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Thread: 26 5'9 175-180 9% BF Labral Tear (R Shoulder) GH, iGF, AAS?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005

    26 5'9 175-180 9% BF Labral Tear (R Shoulder) GH, iGF, AAS?

    Hey guys... came to you for guidance.

    In May i'll be undergoing micro surgery on a complete labral tear on my right shoulder. Here's a fun 2min video of the surgery ( ) Anywho... doc says i'll be in a sling for 8wks then i have 8-16 wks of rehab for range of motion then I can slowly start lifting beauty bells, lol.

    Now the Q, should I cycle HGH/IGF before, during and after to help with the process? During rehab? Should I throw some AAS into the mix? I've only cycled Test E once to date with good results. Would it be wise to wait until im almost healed and ready for working out before cycling some Test? Guys pls help, my arm is going to look like a stick!

    Last edited by dwaynewade; 03-11-2009 at 12:06 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Portland, OR
    I would not do Test. Might make feel ready for more than you really are. I am coming off a distall torn bicep. I started GH about 4 weeks post surgery and worked up to 4iu's/ED. I can't say for sure that it help speed up the recovery but I have full range of motion and back to about 75% strength. Dr seems impressed with my progress and does not know about the GH. I can say it did not hurt my recovery but I can't say difinitively that it helped.

    Best advice I can give is follows the Docs orders and don't push it too hard too soon. First repairs are generally easy. After that things typically do not turn out well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Tx Silver for your reply, i think you have a good point on Test E... Any reason you started GH 4 weeks post surgery?

    Anyone else? All your suggestions are appreciated... Vets?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Portland, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by dwaynewade View Post
    Tx Silver for your reply, i think you have a good point on Test E... Any reason you started GH 4 weeks post surgery?

    Anyone else? All your suggestions are appreciated... Vets?
    I didn't have my GH in hand until 4 weeks post. If I had it I would likely have started it sooner. I would probably give it a week or so to make sure I didn't have any complications from surgery and then start.

    You have a long road ahead and it is not going to be fun. For me the most difficult time was when the pain stopped and I felt like I should get back in the gym. That is the most dangerous time frame. Very easy to re-injure yourself. Go slow and learn to like using the little bells.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Thank you, again... silver!

    It's comforting to know someone who has overcome what i'm destined for. I'll start 1st week post surgery. I just might go 9 months as opposed to a 6 month cycle and throw AAS in at 5-6 months in. One more question for ya... should i stick to Test E? Or try Deca (anti inflammatory properties)? Or... a complex?

    Not excited about the tiny db's LOL... my legs are in for a serious phase of W/O's

    Anyone else like to chime in??

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Hey Dwayne,
    I tore my triceps tendon at the elbow at the end of January, had surgery to reattach it a couple of days later. Two days later I tore my quad tendon off at the knee. Nice week huh? A few days later I had surgery to repair that as well.

    I have been on 4iu/day of gh for a couple months before the surgeries, stopped for a couple of weeks during and after the surgeries, but am back on now. I think it is helping with the recovery. I have most of the mobility back in my arm but my leg is still in a brace and I'm not allowed to bend it for another couple of weeks.

    The worst part is laying around the house not doing anything, I can't wait to start lifting some weight again, even if it's just little baby dumbells!! Anyway, take care of your shoulder until surgery and take it easy after. Remember time is your friend when it come to healing, let your body take care of its self.

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