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Thread: 3iu Max on HGH?

  1. #1
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
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    3iu Max on HGH?

    I see a doctor who specializes in hgh, testosterone and other steroids . He has a full practice but he specializes in this area.

    My stats of course....
    32 years old. 6' tall. 210-213 lbs. 15% body fat(on cycle).

    I just completed my second cycle. First and second were only testosterone based, for 12 weeks. Proper PCT. HCG , Clomid and Novaldex.

    I told him that I had purchased a 10 month supply of HGH. I had planned on 4iu/day. He says that this dosage is just to high and many side effects will occur and that there will be a loss of benefits above 3iu/day. I showed him the product that I purchased and told him that I have read about usage and 4iu is the recommended dosage. He says that all hgh usage that is pharmacuitical grade should be limited at 3iu so that you dont tip the balance between benefits and side effects that are not pleasant. Big Head, hand, nose and feet. Only burn victims are administered high dosages like 8iu to 10iu's.

    Who is right. Dr at 3iu or everyone else at 4iu?

  2. #2
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Yes a doc will tell you that dose is too high and speaking from a medical point of view he is quiet correct. His no.1 priority is to look after your health and that's why he is giving you the answers that he has. However, if you want to use HGH for sport enhancing reasons then you will need a minimum of 2 - 4IU p/day and take the risk of bumping into side effects. Having said this, the chances of ending up with bigger feet etc are pretty slim if you are only taking 2 - 4IU, and not only that, serious sides as such usually take a while to arrive and in most cases occur after long term use at very high doses.

    Generally 2 - 4IU is good for fat loss and you're more than likely to experince a bit of water retention and joint pain, certainly not organ growth but it's still possible but the chances of those sides appearing at 2 - 4IU are pretty slim as I said.


  3. #3
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    ^ good post buddy, I couldn't agree more. I'm staying at a single dose in the Morning of 2-3iu and that will be more than enough for the long term results I'm looking for.
    When you start running medium to high iu doses side effects accur and you have to ask yourself: is the juice worth the squeeze?

  4. #4
    sdc is offline New Member
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    a friend of mine did a cycle of 5iu and said his nose had grown. I thought he was full of it, untill I just read this. Not sure how many times he has done it before if any. But he was pretty upset about it. Think I'll stay around 4iu since it's generic and probably not 100%.

  5. #5
    PT's Avatar
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    well i can tell you that i have been on 8+ius for over a year straight and nothing has grown on my body except for some muscle growth. my nose is the same, my shoe size is the same and so is everything else.
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  6. #6
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    Everyone will react differently.
    How old was your friend? Did he ramp the dosage over time?

  7. #7
    pooloss is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PT View Post
    well i can tell you that i have been on 8+ius for over a year straight and nothing has grown on my body except for some muscle growth. my nose is the same, my shoe size is the same and so is everything else.
    PT - are you running 8+ IU's everyday?... are you splitting your injections each day in to say 2 x 4IU?...

    I'm just curious...

  8. #8
    PT's Avatar
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    i do 8ius everyday 6 days a week. i take 4ius in the early am and another 4ius early pm. im also shooting 10ius of slin twice a day with it
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  9. #9
    pooloss is offline New Member
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    I've just increased to 5 IU's per day. 2.5ius around 6am and 2.5ius around 2pm.
    I'm thinking of adding another 2.5ius to this just before training (around 6pm)
    Last edited by pooloss; 03-13-2009 at 06:03 PM. Reason: forgot to add training time

  10. #10
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pooloss View Post

    I've just increased to 5 IU's per day. 2.5ius around 6am and 2.5ius around 2pm.
    I'm thinking of adding another 2.5ius to this just before training (around 6pm)
    IMO the 2pm shot and 6pm shot would be too close together. I think you could retime one of those shots to make it more worthwhile

  11. #11
    pooloss is offline New Member
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    I was thinking of doing the shot just before training, as whilst training and for an hour after you have good levels of natural HGH.

    A shot before training would boost this considerable, maybe giving better gains...

  12. #12
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    The shot pre workout could work for you or against you.
    If you are are slin then it could help the hgh fat burning synergy with the addition of slin.
    Or it could play a negative role in your natty release of GH during this time, not only at night

  13. #13
    pooloss is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the advise. I'm just throwing some ideas around...
    I did try a few IU before bed one night, I had the worst nights sleep ever!

  14. #14
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    No doubt, i don't shoot any time around bed time. I feel it's a wasted shot and i'm too poor to be wasting GH shots

  15. #15
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
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    So then if not pre-workout, when?

    I know that you should not eat carbs one hour before and one hour after. That is why i shoot pre-workout. It is the only time of day that I am not eating or available to shoot. I cant do it at work.

  16. #16
    PT's Avatar
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    you can shoot anytime but you should try to stay away from evenings because your body produces the majority of its natty hgh when sleeping. i think the best times to shoot are immediatly upon wakening and the rest either mid to late am or early pm. the hgh is active for around 4 hours so you can shoot when you wake then 4 hours later but dont get worried if they overlap and you shoot your 2nd shot 3 hours after the 1st. will you be running slin?
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
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  17. #17
    LizzardSecond's Avatar
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    no slin

    No insulin . I really dont know enough about it and I usually like to take things slow. I dont want to chemical my self all up and not know what I am doing. I am researching doing igf-1 now but there is little info on it and not alot of opinions either.

  18. #18
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
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    Well i tip my hat off to you for being smart with this. Taking it slow, researching before you medicate yourself and asking questions for what you do not know.
    Any questions you cant find through research...just ask

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