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  1. #1
    muh161's Avatar
    muh161 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2006

    IGF 1 Recon ---is this info correct

    I have 1 mg vials of igf 1, I WAS UNDER THE ASSUMPTION YOU ADD 1ML OF YOUR (AA) SOLUTION TO 1MG OF IGF 1 WHICH GIVES YOU 1ml at 1000mcg , ACCORDING TO THE THREAD ITS SAYS TO USE 5ml to 1mg am i missing something any vets help please
    Im Not doubting REDBaron im Just confused

    REDBARON wrote this;


    How much water/vinegar you reconstitute with is going to somewhat depend on which LR3 IGF-1 you are using. Igtropin is shipped in 100mcg vials, which I usually reconstitute at 1ml(cc) per 100mcg vial (which will make the 10 mark on your insulin syringe = 10 mcgs). The gropep based IGF-1's are primarily shipped in 1mg vials, and I usually use 5ml for these (which will make the 10 mark on your insulin syringe = 20mcgs).
    In any event, what you will want to do is:

    (1) take an alcohol swab and swab the tops of my water, vinegar solution, and IGF-1 vials
    (2) take a syringe with your preferred needle, and draw out .12 cc's of vinegar for the 100mcg vials or .60 cc's for the 1mg vials (If you have filtered the vinegar alone).
    (3) next I take this syringe and draw out the water - .88cc's for 100mcg, 4.4cc's for the 1mg (also if you have filtered the vinegar alone).

    IF YOU HAVE MIXED THE VINEGAR & WATER BEFORE FILTERING - in lieu of steps (2) and (3) - Just draw out the desired amount of dilutent from your pre-mixed vial of vinegar / water into your syringe.

    (4) next, poke the needle into the LR3 IGF-1 vial and dribble this solution down the side of the vial, avoid any direct spray on the lyophilized powder until all of the dilutent is in the vial
    (5) using a gentle swirling motion, reconstitute the powder.
    (6) Your LR3 is now ready to use. I personally stick the vial in the fridge (not absolutely necessary, but not a bad idea none the less).

    I think that about sums it up. Hope this helps anyone who may have been wondering about using vinegar to reconstitute. I would advise that if you end up using Igtropin, you seriously consider using this vinegar method. Igtropin does not get along nicely at all with other dilutents such as BA.

    Written by RedBaron

  2. #2
    Zelos is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    it depends of the concentration of you vinegar.
    Dont' make any mistake or your igf1 will be useless.

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