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Thread: HGH and cancer cells .

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Exclamation HGH and cancer cells .

    as far as i know HGH can make cancerous cells multiply faster resulting in any type of cancer that can threaten an individual's life . How true is that ?? on what doses should those cancer cells wake up and start multiplying ?? is 2 IU's a day enough to cause cancer ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I think more the case, is hgh might cause already present cancer cells to muiltiply faster.

    I havent seen any studies which prove anything either way.

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    It can speed up the process yes, but it's difficult to outline what outcome one is looking at by taking "x"IU as everybody is different. My suggestion is if you do have cancerous cells then stay away from HGH, your health comes first and it is not worth the risk.

    Stay safe and good luck!


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    It can speed up the process yes, but it's difficult to outline what outcome one is looking at by taking "x"IU as everybody is different. My suggestion is if you do have cancerous cells then stay away from HGH, your health comes first and it is not worth the risk.

    Stay safe and good luck!

    x2. If you have cancer or think you do, dont use HGH.

  5. #5
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    none of all my relatives ( around 30 ) has any kinda cancer period.... my parents dont have anykind of cancer aswell so i think im safe genetically speakin . is there any other way i can get any type of cancer ? i seem to be a very healthy young man im 22 i rarely get sick once every 1 or 2 years and its usually cured in 2 or 3 days maximum , as far as i remember the last time i got really really sick , fever and everything , was like 5 and a half years ago . so is there any chances i have any cancer ??? cuz i asked if there is some tests to discover cancer cells while they still in small numbers but didnt get any good answers my health seems to be excelent thank god

  6. #6
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    sounds like your fine mate, i dont think you have anything to worrie about, if you are worried see your doc and tell him your going to take hgh and are worried about cancer and im sure he will be able to make sure your right. just be firm with him and dont let him talk you out of it then he will help you,(or most drs will)

    good luck with it mate

  7. #7
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    Cancer in anyone that is 22 is very rare and it doesn't seem like you have any reason to believe you have cancer. The two cancers that strike your age group would be Leukemia and Lymphoma (again these are rare, i am not trying to scare you). With Leukemia you would have abnormally high white cell counts (you could get a blood test) and with Lymphoma you would have to monitor you your lymph-nodes (neck armpits etc..) for lumps.

    Other than that you should check your nuts for lumps like a woman checks for breast cancer (all guys should do this).

    so overall you are probably g2g (but i am not a doctor and this is only my opinion)

  8. #8
    Gear's Avatar
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    Go to your doc and get checked for any cancerous cells, this is your best option at this time. Personally, I wouldn't be taking HGH at your age but that's just me.

    Best of luck!


  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    Personally, I wouldn't be taking HGH at your age but that's just me.

    Best of luck!


  10. #10
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    +2... get your dr. to do a full blood panel.. Your endo IGF levels are probably quite high..

  11. #11
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    So basically what you are saying ... to be on the safe side... EVERYONE should go get checked for CANCER before considering doing HGH? I mean I am 27 and on TRT. I rarely get sick. I have thought... Hey maybe I got cancer at one time but I am an Panic attack freak/hypochondriac... I always think I am dying and have had every test known to man run on my to prove to me I aint dying. EKG,and Stress Tests to rule out heart issues, CT scans w/ and w/o contrast to rule out veins in my head that might burst... I have had my blood drawn multiple times for many different things... THE ONLY TWO HEALTH PROBLEMS that I have are:

    1. Moderately High Blood Pressure that is being treated by Medication
    2. Low Testosterone and on TRT (recently found this out)

    I honestly don't think I have cancer BUT !! Since of my nature I think it might be laying somewhere dormant in there...

    I want to run HGH though but I really dont think that I have it and I dont wanna run into my Doc's telling him to do a full blood panel to check for CANCER because A. he will think I am more of a freak and B. I dont want him to be thinking I am going to be running HGH. The only thing that scares me is that cancer does run in my family pretty bad but it's never at a young age.. it always comes at like 65 or above in years of age.

    So I am almost inclined to just say screw it and just learn as much as I can about HGH and then give it a whirl. I am just a freak and I am all nerved up about this. So I mean should I just say ta hell with it and go for the gusto. I have done 9 cycles in my life. Currently on a Test P cycle only 100mgs ED for 16 weeks and upon completion of that i was returning to my TRT dose of 200mgs per week where I was going to run that for 6 months and during that 6 month time span between cycles I was going to use HGH to give it a whirl ya know??

    So basically I am at the point where I just dont care and am going to go for it... I mean C'MON !! I am 2friggen7 I don't have cancer... I am gaining muscle tissue, burning fat, gaining weight... NO SIGNS WHATSOEVER !!! I mean I never get sick... well rarely do I get sick **knock on wood** I am going to use HGH and I am going to LOVE it.. I am going to take full handle of all the benefits it has to offer and I am going to achieve every single one of my goals that I have set forth in LIFE with it... IT IS NOT GOING TO KILL ME WITH CANCER !! It is going to aid in me becoming a Professional BodyBuilder One day down the road. That's all I have to say about that... SORRY FOR THE RANT... SORRY FOR THE SORTA KINDA HIJACK...

  12. #12
    Gear's Avatar
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    You don't have to tell your doc why you want to get checked for cancerous cells, as a matter of fact you don't have to tell him anything. Just tell him that's what you want to get done and let him assume what he likes.

    Getting checked for cancerous cells is a wise move if you are planning on using HGH. Your life is more important so why would you risk it by not getting checked? You can certainly go ahead and use HGH without getting checked but if you run into issues down the track, then you will always know that you could have prevented the outcome.

    This is nothing to fk around with. We're all in the same boat here, so don't be stupid, be confident and see your doc.

    Good luck!


  13. #13
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    Alrighty thanks Gear !! I will do that.. I will set up an appt. with my Doc... what do you recommend I say to him to look for so I know I am all set to have the thumbs up go ahead with HGH?? What tests??

  14. #14
    Gear's Avatar
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    Good to hear, you're making a wise move.

    Just say to him that you want to get checked for any cancerous cells because cancer runs in your family. That is all.

    These tests are quite common, people get them done all the time.

    I wish you all the best!


  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    Good to hear, you're making a wise move.

    Just say to him that you want to get checked for any cancerous cells because cancer runs in your family. That is all.

    These tests are quite common, people get them done all the time.

    I wish you all the best!

    Thank you very much for all your help Gear ... I called my PCP and set up my Lab today and I am going to go get the blood drawn out of me tomorrow... he wasn't even hesitant he was just like ok if that's what you want.. and I am like Yes that is exactly what I want !! Thanks again bro!

    -The Deuce

  16. #16
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    See, easy as that

    You look great by the way... Nice art work!


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