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  1. #1
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nov 2007

    Question Maybe these are Stupid Noob Questions BUT...

    I am going to be giving HGH a go for my first time here in about 2 and a half months...

    I am not a NEWB to the world of AAS so I am not stupid... I know how to Diet and Train Blah blah blah blah...

    But since I am new to HGH I guess I am back to NOOB status as far as that is concerned and I have some questions so please bear with me...

    I obviously know of the SEARCH button and I use it trust me....

    My question is about injection procedure...


    Now I know with AAS because of OIL build up it is important to rotate INJECTION sites... DOES THIS STILL HOLD TRUE FOR HGH ????

    Spot Injection?? Myth or FACT??

    I was thinking of going Sub-q in my Abdomen and on my bi's and tri's and traps and pecs and quads and calves if this be the case... IF NOT... Which I am sure this isn't accurate info and if it is I WILL BE ASTOUNDED... WHERE SHOULD I BE PUTTING THIS PRECIOUS COMPOUND ????

    I was talking with a fellow Forum Pal on here and he brought to my attention of the LOW DOSE protocol which is what I was going to go with on my first go around with HGH ... I will be using it during my cruise ... whilst on my TRT dose of CYPIONATE at 200mgs EW and also 50 mgs of PROVIRON ED for 24 weeks. The dosing of HGH I was going to go with was 1iu... 6on 1 off. DO YOU KNOWLEDGEABLE HGH VETS THINK THAT THIS IS A SMART IDEA ????

    Thanks for the Help Everyone that is willing to put forth the time to assist me on this endeavor. It is GREATLY APPRECIATED...

    -The Deuce

  2. #2
    Zelos is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2006
    same effect sub or IM.
    Will be less painfull sub Q , so go with it.
    Change also spot injection , as it has a fat burn action on the spot point .

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    [quote=The Deuce;4587259]I am going to be giving HGH a go for my first time here in about 2 and a half months...

    I am not a NEWB to the world of AAS so I am not stupid... I know how to Diet and Train Blah blah blah blah...

    But since I am new to HGH I guess I am back to NOOB status as far as that is concerned and I have some questions so please bear with me...

    I obviously know of the SEARCH button and I use it trust me....

    My question is about injection procedure...
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Stick with sub-q

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Now I know with AAS because of OIL build up it is important to rotate INJECTION sites... DOES THIS STILL HOLD TRUE FOR HGH ????
    Not necessaraly, but you can if you like.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Spot Injection?? Myth or FACT??
    For muscle gain no, but some report more fat loss around injected areas.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    I was thinking of going Sub-q in my Abdomen and on my bi's and tri's and traps and pecs and quads and calves if this be the case... IF NOT... Which I am sure this isn't accurate info and if it is I WILL BE ASTOUNDED... WHERE SHOULD I BE PUTTING THIS PRECIOUS COMPOUND ????
    Sub-q abdomen, no need to shoot anywhere else!

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    I was talking with a fellow Forum Pal on here and he brought to my attention of the LOW DOSE protocol which is what I was going to go with on my first go around with HGH ... I will be using it during my cruise ... whilst on my TRT dose of CYPIONATE at 200mgs EW and also 50 mgs of PROVIRON ED for 24 weeks. The dosing of HGH I was going to go with was 1iu... 6on 1 off. DO YOU KNOWLEDGEABLE HGH VETS THINK THAT THIS IS A SMART IDEA ????
    Not suitable for you. 2 - 4IU for fat loss is usually the case, and a minimum of 5IU for muscle gain (generally speaking).

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Thanks for the Help Everyone that is willing to put forth the time to assist me on this endeavor. It is GREATLY APPRECIATED...


  4. #4
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Nice alrighty then well... I am thinkin for my first go around then I am not looking to gain a sh1t ton of muscle but I definitely want to reap the benefits of it so I am going to start out with a dosage of 4 iu's per day 5 on 2 off. Or maybe 3 iu's per day. I still have some time to think it over and decide what is best. Like I said I am going to run it a minimum of 24 weeks.. hell if I like it I might go for 52 weeks... Money isn't an issue.

    I just want to make sure I do it right so I DON'T HARM MYSELF and that is why I have a lot more studying to do and research and such. I appreciate all the Help you have extended my way Gear.

    Now if I decide on 4 iu's per day should I divide that into 2 shots per day.. I was thinking of doing an injection of 2 iu's at 5 a.m. and another shot at 11 a.m.

    Smart Move or No?? From what I have learned it's best to shoot it at the 3 a.m. - 5 a.m. mark and well since I get up at 5... and that's when I do my AAS inject and one of my Vitamin B-Complex injects might as well go with the sub-q inject in the abdomen of HGH.

  5. #5
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Start on 3IU and 52 weeks sounds good to me!

    You can take 4IU at once in the AM, or you can split it in the two daily shots (AM upon waking up and early afternoon). Either way is fine. 5am and 11am is fine also.

    Yes you're quite correct on the dosing times. If you can get up for a bathroom break early in the morning (3 - 4am) and have a dose at that time then that will be the go. Then AM again.

    You can take your AAS and supps at any time in the AM or PM.

    All the best!


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