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Thread: ok to run hcg and hgh simultaneously ?

  1. #1

    ok to run hcg and hgh simultaneously ?

    I recently purchased some gh and i am anxious to use it . I have used test c in the past and got gyno from it and i dont want it to get any worse but i have been told that in order to get good results from gh u must also use test . Can i use hcg instead of test to raise my natural test levels while running gh or should i use anavar wich does not cause gyno.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I don't see why not, HCG is really for PCT, to help your natural levels bounce back..but with Gyno, and should have taken some Nolvadex during your cycle of TEst, you should take HCG after a cycle of TEst.

    If it where me I would just stick with the HGH and Anavar, save the HCG for after a TEst cycle.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Philadelphia South Philly
    iam going to be comming off a long cycle of test ,so iam going to get hcg and also runn hgh for two monthes while iam on my pct

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