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Thread: HGH (Humatrope) Questions?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    HGH (Humatrope) Questions?

    Hello all,
    I need a little help, I am 24 years old 5'9 180lbs with 6-10% body fat. I workout 5-6 times a week. I have used AS since I was 19 off and on with PCT I started young I know. Here is my Question I have Humatrope Combination package 5mg of Humatrope and 5ml of sterile diluent, and I have 30 unit slin pins 3/10cc. I know How to mix them but I am having a hell of a time with the conversion. The pins say 30 units, is that the same as 30 IU? I would like to start off taking 4ius a day and then move up to around 8 or 10ius. Any help would be great I want to know all I can before I Take the HGH Plunge. thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    If im correct those 5mg bottles of Huma are 15 IU , so mixing it with 5ml of bac water , is alot of water ... 4iu's in your vial now is 1,3ml of hgh ...
    Next time just mix it with 1ml of bac water and get 0,25ml of hgh (3,75iu of hgh).
    Hope that helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Between mrs.misery's legs


    Quote Originally Posted by alextg View Post
    If im correct those 5mg bottles of Huma are 15 IU , so mixing it with 5ml of bac water , is alot of water ... 4iu's in your vial now is 1,3ml of hgh ...
    Next time just mix it with 1ml of bac water and get 0,25ml of hgh (3,75iu of hgh).
    Hope that helps
    I'm using the same stuff and I've been mixing it the same too...I've been shooting .06cc everyother day...I've gotten some good results...but if I mix it with only 1ml of water how much should I shoot and how often...please and thank you...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Awesome, that does help, why use 5ml when 1ml will work. so on a 30 unit pin should I pull it back to the 10u mark to get 4ius of GH? Also do you suggest splitting up the shots one in the AM and one in the PM or all at once in the AM? Again thank you for all your help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Generally to let you understand ... the vial contains 15iu of hgh ... you want 4iu ... if you split 15 to 4 , its 3,75iu ... so depends on how much bac water you put to mix , you will always draw the 1/4 of the water .... that will be always 3,75iu of hgh.Simple math :P
    Got it?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Thank you so much for your help I will keep you posted on how this cycle goes, I plan to start on Monday, Thank you again.

  7. #7
    Use 1.5 ml of the diluting solution for the 5 mg vial of Humatrope.
    Your 1.5 ml mixture in the Humatrope vial equals 15 iu.
    Each 10 mark on the U-100 insulin syringe will be 1 iu.
    Last edited by devster30; 05-14-2009 at 06:30 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Between mrs.misery's legs
    Quote Originally Posted by devster30 View Post
    Use 1.5 ml of the diluting solution for the 5 mg vial of Humatrope.
    Your 1.5 ml mixture in the Humatrope vial equals 15 iu.
    Each 10 mark on the U-100 insulin syringe will be 1 iu.
    thank you...

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by devster30 View Post
    Use 1.5 ml of the diluting solution for the 5 mg vial of Humatrope.
    Your 1.5 ml mixture in the Humatrope vial equals 15 iu.
    Each 10 mark on the U-100 insulin syringe will be 1 iu.
    Ok I was all excited that Devster made it so simple for me with his explanation...I mixed the humatrope with 1.5 ml .....but then when I got out my syringe I relized it is a BD Ultrafine II U-100 Insulin Syringe 31 Gauge 1/2cc 5/16inch Short Needle which only has markings from 1 to 50 ,,,so the barrell shows 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 for the bold markings. Im wondering if the 10 marking would still be 1iu of humatrope or if it would now need to be the 20 mark that would make 1iu (since it only goes to 50 and not 100. I am ultimately looking to take 2 ius so if someone has a better idea of how much to dilute this with please let me know.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    What is humatrope ?
    Sorry for jacking your thread dude!

  11. #11
    humatrope is HGH made by eli lilly

  12. #12
    BD Ultrafine II U-100 Insulin Syringe 31 Gauge 1/2cc 5/16inch Short Needle

    It's a smaller syringe with half the capacity, so it only goes to 50, but still same units of measurement. With the dilution i gave, you will create 15iu with a 1.5 ml solution, draw to the 10 mark on 15 separate syringes (or the equivilent of), and see if your vial is empty to confirm.....

  13. #13
    yep that worked! Thanks

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