Hello all,
I need a little help, I am 24 years old 5'9 180lbs with 6-10% body fat. I workout 5-6 times a week. I have used AS since I was 19 off and on with PCT I started young I know. Here is my Question I have Humatrope Combination package 5mg of Humatrope and 5ml of sterile diluent, and I have 30 unit slin pins 3/10cc. I know How to mix them but I am having a hell of a time with the conversion. The pins say 30 units, is that the same as 30 IU? I would like to start off taking 4ius a day and then move up to around 8 or 10ius. Any help would be great I want to know all I can before I Take the HGH Plunge. thank you