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  1. #1
    ciscoccie's Avatar
    ciscoccie is offline Junior Member
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    Can HGH cause Diabetes?

    Just like to know if HGH can cause Diabetes, does anybody had any problems?

  2. #2
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    I think that HGH causing diabetes is mostly a myth. I certainly don't believe that HGH would cause Type 1 diabetes, although it might contribute to insulin resistance (Type 2), but I really don't believe that either.

    Have you seen the Reefer Madness movie? Now that was one piece of work....

  3. #3
    ciscoccie's Avatar
    ciscoccie is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks jim, never seen the movie

  4. #4
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    Don't believe everything you are told, especially by the government...

    Reefer Madness was a propaganda movie showing people the evils of smoking marijuana. It is now a cult classic, primarily because the claims are so ridiculous.

    I take HGH primarily as hormone replacement therapy. I believe that it is working for me, and I would like to and intend on taking it for the rest of my life.

    There is lots of good information out there and there are very knowledgeable people here that can and will answer specific questions. However, it's hard to either prove or disprove many allegations, but I have never seen proof of anybody, ever getting diabetes from HGH.

    I have high blood sugar and would be classified as diabetic or borderline diabetic. I take HGH and am confident that is beneficial FOR ME. You will have to make your own decision or you can have a board certified doctor do that for you.

    FOR ME, I have seen my blood sugar remain stable or go down while I use HGH and I measure my blood sugar no less than once each day, sometimes more often. My diet has more to do with it than anything else, obviously. But I will say that, FOR ME, I have not noticed any raising of blood glucose due to HGH and I believe that statement to the effect that HGH causes diabetes is total bullshit.

    The federal government already consider outlawing possession of HGH and declined. The DEA or FDA has tried to stop the off label use of HGH and they failed (so far).

    Sylvester Stallone swears by HGH and take a look at him in his last movie. Many wealthy people including movie stars take HGH, so it must be working for them. I'm not one to follow like a sheep, but I do observe reality and my reality supports taking HGH.

  5. #5
    ciscoccie's Avatar
    ciscoccie is offline Junior Member
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    I just started taking about 3 weeks ago, I do have the generic blue tops, but not from a 100% source, till now I dind't see any difference in anything, I do know is very soon, but I'm as of right now looking for a brand name HGH just be sure, thansk again for your help Jim

  6. #6
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    AN IFG-1 blood test could give you an idea if you even need to take HGH, in my opinion. That can be done relatively inexpensively. Some people don't feel any effect from HGH and some people don't need HGH. If you are young, HGH may not be a great benefit.

  7. #7
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    If taken for long peroids (I mean years) I've read that it can make one insulin insensitive.

  8. #8
    medwiz is offline New Member
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    hgh not so hot

    hGH can cause hyperglycemia. Persistent hyperglycemia stimulates pancreas to secrete insulin continually. This excessive stimulation (lasting longer than few weeks) may cause "beta cell burnout" when pancreatic beta cells cannot make and release insulin. So, hGH can cause diabetes mellitus (lack of insulin activity).

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