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  1. #1
    tinytom777's Avatar
    tinytom777 is offline Associate Member
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    Advice on starting insulin and IGF would be greatfully received!

    ok stats and cycle as usual before i start!

    weight: 180lbs
    height: 5'8
    no of cycles: 2
    diet in check - meal 1 - 1 can tuna, 1 banana, berries, porridge, protein powder, flax oil, meal 2 - chicken breast, coleslaw, protein powder, 1 piece of fruit, meal 3 - 1.5 cans tuna, veg, baked potato, 500mls milk, meal 4 - chicken breast, rice, protein powder, meal 5 - fish, veg, potatoes, meal 6 -1 can tuna, 1 banana, berries, porridge, protein powder, flax oil

    current cycle - test e 500mg weekly, deca 400mg weekly, hcg 1000ius weekly stop 2 weeks b4 end of cycle
    12 week cycle
    pct - tamoxifen 40,40,20,10, aromasin 25,25,25,25 clomid 100,50,50,50

    ok now me question

    would it benefit to add insulin (humalog) at 1ius with first 5 meals of the day to my cycle, or 6ius pwo? i have currently 3 weeks left.

    i was also thinking that after pct is finished, as i am not starting my next cycle to sept/oct that instead of 'cruising' between cycles that i could use insulin at dose above and IGF, if anyone could send me links to threads with info on this subject would be most greatfull, or have any advice for me would be great, have been filtering through posts so have a small idea about insulin but IGF less so! would i be correct in saying that i could use it at 40mcgs per side imm pwo after every workout? 4 weeks on 4 weeks off?

    many thanks again guys!!!!

  2. #2
    tinytom777's Avatar
    tinytom777 is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    tinytom777's Avatar
    tinytom777 is offline Associate Member
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    so anyone at all willing to give me a little advice about starting insulin ? and using igf?

  4. #4
    tinytom777's Avatar
    tinytom777 is offline Associate Member
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    ok am going to go for 4iu humalog pwo, +60g protein and 60g carbs, 4 weeks on 4 weeks off, now how about using this in the morning off non workout days i.e day not working out, have meal 1 (breakfast) and then 4ius humalog ??? please any ideas dont wanna start without a mods approval lol!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    tinytom777's Avatar
    tinytom777 is offline Associate Member
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    bump again!

  6. #6
    Slide's Avatar
    Slide is offline Associate Member
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    I don't know that much about insulin . i would just read the sticky "putting it all together...HGH, IGF, and insulin." in the educational series for this section.

  7. #7
    tinytom777's Avatar
    tinytom777 is offline Associate Member
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    well hey thanks for replying anyway dude!

  8. #8
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    If you wanna use insulin I would advocate only using it PWO and maybe as soon as you rise if you want, or even in the a.m. on non workout days as some people only like using it once per day.

    If you havent used it before you wanna go with a safe range of about 10g carbs for every 1iu of insulin.

    From there you can play around a bit with carbs in order to find a safe zone for you personally. IGF...its its LR3, will work similar to insulin althought not to as high of a degree I have found. Both can make you hypo for sure and are good at partitioning glucose and increasing the storage capacity in muscle. BUT, insulin has a strong effect in that sense and I found I had to monitor carbs a lot more closely than I did with IGF.

    So start out with say 3-4 iu's slin with 40g carbs. After a few days if you feel good go to 5iu and 50g carbs. Like I said its all about playing with the dose. The highest I can go is 12iu slin and 70g carbs.

    The amount of carbs obviously depends on your goals and macro breakdown for the day. But BE CAREFUL using slin man. Read all the faq's and sticky's.

  9. #9
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    here ya go

    The Book on Insulin
    The Book On Insulin

    Putting HGH, Slin, and IGF-1 together
    Putting it all together - HGH + IGF-1 + Slin – by RedBaron

    The Skinny on Insulin

    Info on IGF-1
    IGF-1 Info

    Understand Insulin
    Understanding Insulin: Best article on Insulin ever written.

  10. #10
    tinytom777's Avatar
    tinytom777 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2009
    hey there we go, two perfect answers as usual, just don't know what i would do without u guys! thanks once again!!!!!

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