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  1. #1
    calgarian's Avatar
    calgarian is offline ANALbolically inclined "Protein user"
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    Insulin Basic Question

    So I need to find out why ppl use insulin except for obvious reason of being diabetic. Also would it be wise to add it in the middle of cycle?(test e/tren e 500mg/week) How much would I need ??

    The Basic question Would be WHY and WHAT it will do and why most of you use it. Just find out that I can get any kind in alberta without prescription and want to take advantage of it.

    Thanks for the replies guys.

  2. #2
    D.Bone's Avatar
    D.Bone is offline New Member
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    If you dont know the answer to your question.... then dont even think of using insulin . its not to be played around with.

    Do alot of research on insulin... and im sure by the time ur done you wont even want to touch the stuff...

  3. #3
    Someguy123 is offline Member
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    if you think about why a diabetic uses it. it makes perfect sense why a BB would use it. insulin is what your body uses to metabolize glucose, more or less. so if you have normal insulin production, and you take more insulin. you increase the rate or amount, that the glucose gets used. basically, when you shoot it. everything you eat goes straight to your muscles. thats a very very rough basic explanation. but Dbone is right. if you dont know this stuff, you have no place using it. if you screw up your diet, it can kill you.

  4. #4
    calgarian's Avatar
    calgarian is offline ANALbolically inclined "Protein user"
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    Thanks men. No I wasnt thinking of using it I wont use it unless I know what it will do. Thanks for the responces any helpfull article you can direct me towards?

  5. #5
    Alphatier's Avatar
    Alphatier is offline Member
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    How about you start here:

    Anabolic Review Profile: Insulin

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    The only thing insulin does for a normal, healthy, non-diabetic person is to allow them to force feed their muscles immediately after a workout to accelerate the repair process. There is no real magic beyond that, and quite honestly I would only suggest it for a professional level athlete that really need to step it up to that next level.

    For an average person, after you work out you take in a protein/carb drink, within a very reasonable amount of time the carbs in the drink trigger your own insulin release, and then you get the same effect. For the average person, that is plenty good.

    The thing most people don't take into account when they are considering substances like insulin is the context they are used. They look at Mr. "O" and say to themselves ... "Gee, he is 300 pounds at 2% bodyfat and he uses insulin, so I need to as well". The problem with this is they are 180 pound ... not 300. Your body is perfect happy begin 180 and really doesn't need THAT much help to maintain that or to grow another 20-30-40 pounds. At 300 ****** on the other hand, your body is fighting you the whole way. The body does not want, nor was it designed to maintain that kind of beef. At that point, insulin and all of the other things we talk about become valuable tools to take the body beyond what it was naturally designed to do. At that point, insulin becomes a discussion worth having.

    I would suggest unless you are at a level of development, and are in a competitive capacity in your sport that insulin isn't something you really need to be concerned with.

  7. #7
    calgarian's Avatar
    calgarian is offline ANALbolically inclined "Protein user"
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    Tim 'er and Rim 'er
    Quote Originally Posted by lean n' mean View Post
    How about you start here:

    Anabolic Review Profile: Insulin
    Quote Originally Posted by RedBaron View Post
    The only thing insulin does for a normal, healthy, non-diabetic person is to allow them to force feed their muscles immediately after a workout to accelerate the repair process. There is no real magic beyond that, and quite honestly I would only suggest it for a professional level athlete that really need to step it up to that next level.

    For an average person, after you work out you take in a protein/carb drink, within a very reasonable amount of time the carbs in the drink trigger your own insulin release, and then you get the same effect. For the average person, that is plenty good.

    The thing most people don't take into account when they are considering substances like insulin is the context they are used. They look at Mr. "O" and say to themselves ... "Gee, he is 300 pounds at 2% bodyfat and he uses insulin, so I need to as well". The problem with this is they are 180 pound ... not 300. Your body is perfect happy begin 180 and really doesn't need THAT much help to maintain that or to grow another 20-30-40 pounds. At 300 ****** on the other hand, your body is fighting you the whole way. The body does not want, nor was it designed to maintain that kind of beef. At that point, insulin and all of the other things we talk about become valuable tools to take the body beyond what it was naturally designed to do. At that point, insulin becomes a discussion worth having.

    I would suggest unless you are at a level of development, and are in a competitive capacity in your sport that insulin isn't something you really need to be concerned with.

    Thank you very much guys. I wasnt planning on using it at all but was really curious to know what the hell it does and thanks to you guys now I know. Appreciate the help.

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