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  1. #1
    BURETE is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Hgh administration

    When is better to make the injectios,before sleep or during the day?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    It depends on your age. If you are old enough to not have a measurable level of HGH being secreted each day, then night-time is the closest to mimicking what your body would be doing if you still had a significant endogenous secretion.

    If you are younger (less than mid 40'ish) and have a normally functioning pituitary, then the most system friendly time to inject your HGH is going to be about 4-6 hours after you initially fall asleep. Your body's own release of HGH is going to happen a couple of hours of sleep when you are in your deep sleep cycle. That release is going to trigger your own negative feedback, which in turn is going to mean that your body isn't going to be releasing any more HGH on its own for a while. That is the perfect window to go ahead and inject some HGH ... your body is none the wiser that way, and you're not disrupting your normal rhythm of hormone release.

    I usually go to bed at about 10-11 and then get up at 5'ish to go to the bathroom and inject my HGH. That has served me really well for the better part of a decade. Best of luck to you with your cycle.

  3. #3
    BURETE is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Thank you for your quick answer.I make HGH-GLOTROPIN for one mounth and i feel nothing.I make 5 u.i per day.I have 3-4 cm more in waist and i want to drop it.I heard that Cytomix is very good or Clenbuterol .I would like to tell me if Cytomix is good in combination with HGH and if it not dangerouse for thyroide?Or is better Clenbuterol?

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