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Thread: IGF results

  1. #1
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    IGF results

    I amnot able to see dramatic results but I am having considerably more intense soreness after work outs, pumps are fuller and come sooner in the work out, and I am sick to my stomach after every work out, not just legs anymore. Also having headaches almost feels like BP is high.

    The igf was mixed wrong, just in BW and kept in fridge and it has been a week but I have continued to inject just to check the theories.

    Is this coincidink, or some sides from the igf, or BW?

    THanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by higherdesire View Post
    I amnot able to see dramatic results but I am having considerably more intense soreness after work outs, pumps are fuller and come sooner in the work out, and I am sick to my stomach after every work out, not just legs anymore. Also having headaches almost feels like BP is high.

    The igf was mixed wrong, just in BW and kept in fridge and it has been a week but I have continued to inject just to check the theories.

    Is this coincidink, or some sides from the igf, or BW?

    THanks in advance.

    Hmmm, sounds like insulin levels are screwed up? Especially when I hear headaches.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Your describing some pretty common IGF symptoms actually. It is not called "insulin -like" for nothing. You will get some really healthy pumps, good muscle fullness, and since it is insulin-like, you can get headaches if you don't remain conscience of you carb intake and your response to IGF and your BG levels. The headaches for most people can be resolved by smoothing out the carb intake. Throw in just a bit more complex, slower hitting longer burning carbs along with your usual carb routine and for the most part it should smooth out.

    I don't think you will see any radical, dramatic results, but as mentioned it will give you some really good pumps, great muscle fullness, usually I would lean up a bit more than without, and it is a pretty effective glucose disposal agent. Outside of that, you won't see anything miraculous happening during the run.

  4. #4
    Charger527's Avatar
    Charger527 is offline Senior Member
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    How are you running it? Every work out day into trained muscles? And at what doses?

  5. #5
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I have not been spot injecting as I do not believe in that. I hit 80mcg post workout in the quads. I am so upset with my stomach that I cannot have a PWO meal or shake. It is not feasable. I hav enoticed that I can eat a banana sooner than anything and then recover faster. I have truly been ready to puke prior to leaving the gym with less work out than usual.

    I am fixing to add Jins, tren , and test, but wanted to check the igf out solo first.

    RED BARRON I am doing 1 cup of old fashioned oatmeal, and 2 scoops whey, as well as cup of eggwhite and non fat milk pre wo. How do you suggest to adjust that to offset the IGF influence on me? If I am off on the insulin like effects then how do I adjust that accordingly? Thanks to everyone.

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