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Thread: HGH & Surgery

  1. #1

    HGH & Surgery

    Hello, I'm going to be having back surgery in Mid July (about 2 weeks from now). I've been taking HGH (4iu/day) for about 6 months. My question is will there be any problems with continuing to take HGH prior/after the surgery (Microdiscectomy) and/or are there any problems with HGH causing any kind of blood thinning? It is my understanding that you should NOT be on Test, etc. if going into any surgery.

    My second part to the question is, if I go off of it for 1-2 months, will that cause any problems/issues/etc?

    Thanks for your help!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I dont think going of it will cause any problems. I have not heard of HGH causing blood thinning. Best to just ask your surgen, if anything should help with recovery.

  3. #3
    I recently had shoulder surgery, and contiuned with my gh. What I noticed was exsesive (sorry spelling sucks) leakage at one of my insisions when I asked my doc about it he said he has never seen draining like that from that type of surgery before. I cant say it was from the gh but when I stoped using it the draining stoped.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    should not have any issues going off the gh,i would do so before the surgery and personally i would let my body heal itself than restart the gh.does your surgeon know of your gh usage? if not i would tell him/her.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    When I first started taking HGH I injured my leg (cut badly).

    I was very surprised that I healed quickly and now I can't even find a scar (six months later). If I were going in for surgery I would likely stay on HGH. I can see no real reason to quit, although talking to your Doctor would be advisable.

    My problem is that I have had about as much benefit talking to Doctors as I have talking with cops. My personal experience is not give the "professionals" any reason/opportunity to make an industry or issue out of something that is a private and personal issue/choice.

    I wouldn't tell my Doctor unless I had absolute trust and confidence in his ethics. Providing that information to a "money chaser" will simply cost you and give him an excuse for anything that could go wrong.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    The Gym
    It doesn't sound like you are taking an unusually high dose of HGH, so I really personally don't think you are going to have an issue. That being said, if you are in any way unsure, then by all means stop. You have enough to worry about with any surgery and definitely don't need more stress in your life at that point.

    Remember, HGH is a naturally occurring hormone ... not something that wouldn't normally be present in your body. It is present in everyone's body. If a adolescent has surgery, they don't zap their pituitary to destroy HGH production before operating. Same here ... you are talking about a slightly higher than adolescent level of HGH, and if you are older your IGF levels probably still aren't even approaching that of a growing teen. Since you're not dealing with mega-doses, it would be a really freak occurrence for any problems related to your current HGH level of use to arise. If you were talking about huge doses of anything, then that would be a different disccusion, but 4 IU's (assuming 3rd world offerings) is effectively just a skitch above the usual couple of IU's that would be normally present in a teen/twenty'ish.

    Best of luck with your repair. Hope you heal quickly and completely.
    Last edited by RedBaron; 06-30-2009 at 12:36 PM.

  7. #7


    Thanks for all the great info guys!!!!!!!

  8. #8
    well if your doc isn;t a d*ck you can always talk to him....I;m honest with all my docs

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