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  1. #1
    astrix79 is offline Junior Member
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    Generic HGH & Pharma grade HGH I.U equal I.U ???

    wondering how this 2 can be compared if they can be that....

    if we have Nordi or Geno***** and running it @ 8I.U 5on2off
    and then we have Hyge/greentops/bluetops and doing 8I.U 5on2off

    i know no way that this to can be compared
    but how mush should you raise your dose with the generic hgh to equal pharma grade hgh...

    im 8I.U now with hyge thinking about to raise it to 12I.U later on...

    in many old thread here that i have been reading ppl do suggest that 6I.U+ is needed to grow on hgh,and that with pharma grade hgh....

  2. #2
    seriousmass is offline Banned
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    pharma grade is usually twice as strong. Therefore, if you're doing 8iu of generic each day; it would be equivalent to around 4iu of pharma-grade GH.

  3. #3
    ezlimitz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    pharma grade is usually twice as strong. Therefore, if you're doing 8iu of generic each day; it would be equivalent to around 4iu of pharma-grade GH.

    No offense but that is a very broad assumption..and based on what? There is so much gh out on the market it seems pretty much impossible to assume the potency of any one box let alone generic vs. pharma grade. And does generic mean necessarily that it is not pharma?

    Even if someone was getting something like serostim on the black market (the only way to get it unless you have aids so I've read) who's to say how that box was handled from the day it left the pharmacy to the day someone started pinning?

    As I offense...just an interesting comment.

    Last edited by ezlimitz; 07-19-2009 at 07:29 AM.

  4. #4
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    pharma grade is usually twice as strong. Therefore, if you're doing 8iu of generic each day; it would be equivalent to around 4iu of pharma-grade GH.
    First off what a load of crap, Dont post on subjects you have no experience in.

    Your talking 0-5% difference, I've used both and there isnt a noticable difference at the same dose and if your finding there is I would suggest you get a new source.

  5. #5
    astrix79 is offline Junior Member
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    man if the "pharma" grade hgh was twice better than generic hgh no one will buy the generic stuff,,, cause in long term use you should pay same $ for both
    if i hade to double up my dosage to equal the pharma grade,,,

    i have neva used the real deal so i cant tell,,,
    maybe some % stronger i dont know....i think no one realy can tell

    still their is many users out their who run generic hgh and r very happy,,,i will be one of them as far im happy with it

  6. #6
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by seriousmass View Post
    pharma grade is usually twice as strong. Therefore, if you're doing 8iu of generic each day; it would be equivalent to around 4iu of pharma-grade GH.
    Dude really? This is definitely NOT support by any facsimile of reality.

  7. #7
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
    kaptainkeezy04 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Here is a post by Baron... *Sorry meant to say RedBaron*

    In my experimentation, it seems like the general trend would be another 1/2 again to doubling it. In other words, if it takes 2 IU's of Saizen, Genotropin, Humatrope or the like to get the job done, it would like take 3IU's (1/2 again) - 4IU's (double) of the generic to do the same job. With the bodybuilding applications, that is why you hear of more and more folks using 10IU's/ day and the like. My guides were suggesting 5IU's a day ... but of American HGH. Double that would be 10 ... the number that seems to actually yield those kind of results in the asian stuff.
    Last edited by kaptainkeezy04; 07-19-2009 at 12:38 PM.

  8. #8
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04 View Post
    Here is a post by Baron...

    In my experimentation, it seems like the general trend would be another 1/2 again to doubling it. In other words, if it takes 2 IU's of Saizen, Genotropin, Humatrope or the like to get the job done, it would like take 3IU's (1/2 again) - 4IU's (double) of the generic to do the same job. With the bodybuilding applications, that is why you hear of more and more folks using 10IU's/ day and the like. My guides were suggesting 5IU's a day ... but of American HGH. Double that would be 10 ... the number that seems to actually yield those kind of results in the asian stuff.
    Sound like a load of crap

  9. #9
    astrix79 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04 View Post
    Here is a post by Baron...

    In my experimentation, it seems like the general trend would be another 1/2 again to doubling it. In other words, if it takes 2 IU's of Saizen, Genotropin, Humatrope or the like to get the job done, it would like take 3IU's (1/2 again) - 4IU's (double) of the generic to do the same job. With the bodybuilding applications, that is why you hear of more and more folks using 10IU's/ day and the like. My guides were suggesting 5IU's a day ... but of American HGH. Double that would be 10 ... the number that seems to actually yield those kind of results in the asian stuff.

    F*** if that is the case so their is no point to buy that china crap
    2000I.U generic equal 1000I.U pharma grade that is bad deal

  10. #10
    kaptainkeezy04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wharton View Post
    Sound like a load of crap
    Baron has used several kinds of HGH for many years. He knows what he is talking about.

    *Sorry meant to say RedBaron*
    Last edited by kaptainkeezy04; 07-19-2009 at 12:38 PM.

  11. #11
    wharton is offline out of here
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaptainkeezy04 View Post
    Baron has used several kinds of HGH for many years. He knows what he is talking about.

    *Sorry meant to say RedBaron*
    Ive used pharma and generic over the last 4-5 years some generic are crap you have to find a good source, The ones im getting I cant tell the dif. Dont go off one guys opinion and assume its right, there are a lot of good generic versions that are exacally the same as the pharma grade with a lower price tag and no loss in potency.

  12. #12
    astrix79 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wharton View Post
    Ive used pharma and generic over the last 4-5 years some generic are crap you have to find a good source, The ones im getting I cant tell the dif. Dont go off one guys opinion and assume its right, there are a lot of good generic versions that are exacally the same as the pharma grade with a lower price tag and no loss in potency.

    nice to hear that bro

  13. #13
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    I've only used generic HGH and I can still feel the effects on 2 iu/day. I think it all depends on your source. The Chinese people I have dealt with in the past were surprisingly honest and ethical. I think they understand that in the long run, customer satisfaction helps their bottom line. My experience with generic HGH in general and Chinese business people in particular has been very positive.

  14. #14
    SpanishStallion's Avatar
    SpanishStallion is offline Associate Member
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    actually the difference between european GH and china GH should be not more than 10%. but the chinese don't dose it 10IU as you might think or 8IU, they dose it at about half. that's why the price is much lower for china GH than european GH.

  15. #15
    almard is offline New Member
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    Yap, my first post.....I exprince both of them and I found out that pharma grade are not that diffrent than generic versions. It's just not worth the price....

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