I am 29 yr male 5'7 around 190 pds. Was in very good shape 6-7 years ago but now all the muscle I had is covered by my 27% of body fat. I have tried over the past year the more traditional means of fat loss and have not been able to get anywhere but frustrated...so now I have done about 3 months of heavy research and come to the conclusion that HGH is prob going to be the most efficent means of cutting the majority of this fat. I have considered Anavar and some others but I cannot find near as much supporting information around those.
With that said I have a few questions for the experts here...
1. Does HGH truely have the best potential for fat loss?
2. What type of results should I expect to see (I understand that proper diet and execise have to be in this equation too - but all other things being equal)?
3. This will be my first adventure into HGH (or any other anabolic for that matter) is it a good starting place?
4. In respect to avaiability (and I am not asking where - I did read the rules) is pharma grade HGH something you can even get a hold of in the US at this point? Money is not as much of an object but I def would want sterile, high quality products...but from a lot that I have read here and elsewhere, this may be fairly hard to come by....especially for a newb.
Thanks for taking the time to throw some advice my way