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Thread: HGH & Body Fat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    S.E. USA

    HGH & Body Fat

    I am 29 yr male 5'7 around 190 pds. Was in very good shape 6-7 years ago but now all the muscle I had is covered by my 27% of body fat. I have tried over the past year the more traditional means of fat loss and have not been able to get anywhere but now I have done about 3 months of heavy research and come to the conclusion that HGH is prob going to be the most efficent means of cutting the majority of this fat. I have considered Anavar and some others but I cannot find near as much supporting information around those.

    With that said I have a few questions for the experts here...

    1. Does HGH truely have the best potential for fat loss?

    2. What type of results should I expect to see (I understand that proper diet and execise have to be in this equation too - but all other things being equal)?

    3. This will be my first adventure into HGH (or any other anabolic for that matter) is it a good starting place?

    4. In respect to avaiability (and I am not asking where - I did read the rules) is pharma grade HGH something you can even get a hold of in the US at this point? Money is not as much of an object but I def would want sterile, high quality products...but from a lot that I have read here and elsewhere, this may be fairly hard to come by....especially for a newb.

    Thanks for taking the time to throw some advice my way

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nightmares of bad kids
    With your bf gh would be a waste of money. If you start a good diet and training that give you results alone, then gh may be useful to make the process easier, better and faster. Without diet which works gh can help you not very much, unless you have a natural deficit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009
    San Diego
    As a guy that is in 51 yesterday..happy birthday to me...happy birthday to la la...I can attest to the fact that hgh helped lower my bf%.

    There is lots of info on the web re: gh and body fat and people beyond 40yrs of age. Although you can get a lot of opinions here..some good..some not so...just as you would expect.

    One thing for sure is that gh def gave me an improved mood and more energy which resulted in my workouts more exerting and obv providing better results.

    I have no idea if my fat ass would have gotten smaller sitting on the couch doing gh and obv that is not your question. I think to arbitrarily say that gh is worthless if you have x bodyfat is .... well just not well informed....

    Hope you get some helpful info.


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