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  1. #1
    hrodss7's Avatar
    hrodss7 is offline Junior Member
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    first HGH cycle.. need helpppp

    hey guys! Im thinking about using HGH for first time and im 26yrs old and done several AAS cycle and currently on prop/mast.. My main purpose of using HGH is for injury.. I found couple sources but never used them or heared of them since after I lost my best source ever because of my hushmail account lol. but anyways most of hgh source seems ship derectly from china and seems a lot cheaper then UG labs.. is it worth it getting from oversea?? most of blue top is 150$-220$ 100iu and have jin and ********** but i heared a lot of guys saying generic or stuff from china could be bunk so any one has experince using hgh from china???

    thanks guy

  2. #2
    hrodss7's Avatar
    hrodss7 is offline Junior Member
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    has anyone try IP's yellow top??

  3. #3
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I've been on blue tops for going on 6 months, 5iu/ed. I feel great. I wanted to see if the stuff was good so I pinned 8iu one day. The next morning my hands were puffy as was my face from the water retention. That's the sides I was looking for. I'm happy with my overseas blue tops.

  4. #4
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I've been on blue tops for going on 6 months, 5iu/ed. I feel great. I wanted to see if the stuff was good so I pinned 8iu one day. The next morning my hands were puffy as was my face from the water retention. That's the sides I was looking for. I'm happy with my overseas blue tops.

  5. #5
    higherdesire is offline Banned
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    I have not been overly impressed with my Jins from china. I have been on for about 3, almost four months now and have seen only marginal muscle gain, almost no fat loss (but I have been drinking way too much latley) and I have some sides, but I will go domestic from now on even though it is more. My jins are yellow top, but there are also green tops be sure to try to get the greentops if your can.

  6. #6
    starkiller's Avatar
    starkiller is offline Associate Member
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    why greens and not yellow; potencty issues?

  7. #7
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    I've used generic blue tops for HRT from China for over a year. I have nothing to compare them to, as I've never done any other, but have been VERY satisfied with the product. I've taken three IGF-1 tests that have verified that they are significantly elevating my IGF, plus I feel the effect in my joints, particularly when I'm doing 4 units/day.

  8. #8
    taba's Avatar
    taba is offline New Member
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    I'm with JimInAK on the blues. Using 2 different blues from China now. One is better than the other but both are very good. One thing that should be noted, if you are an older lifter then you will respond much better to GH. I asked one of the gh vets on another board, price wise would you be able to get away with doing 50% less if you used pharm grade gh. He said for example, if you did 8ius generics you may get away with doing 5ius, 6ius for sure of pharm grade for the same results but not 4 ius.

    So I opt to save a bundle and go with the generics. Now I can go year round without putting too much of a dent in my wallet. I'm able to do a Hrt dosing cutting phase and then a mass bulking phase.

  9. #9
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    ^^^+1. had a script for nordipen and it was a house payment a month or i could go generic and buy 10x the amount and up the dose and iu or 2.

  10. #10
    starkiller's Avatar
    starkiller is offline Associate Member
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    nice peteroyo1, damn those scripts are that high?

  11. #11
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    I checked on doing HRT with an anti-aging clinic. Not only is the hormone expensive, but the Doctor's take was too much for my meager budget.

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