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Thread: Cycling hgh

  1. #1
    TRYER's Avatar
    TRYER is offline Associate Member
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    Cycling hgh

    Hi guys
    ive just started taking hgh 4iu e.d and i was planning doing 7 days a week but have read a few threads and people do 5 on 2 off or similar,
    do i have to take days off or is it safe to do 7 days a week as planned

    cheers guys

    all info appreciated

  2. #2
    TRYER's Avatar
    TRYER is offline Associate Member
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    ive also just read that gh has a life of 2hrs so is 1 injection first thing in morning of 4iu good enough ? im not taking insulin with it and my hgh cycle is 7 month the last 12 weeks i will have 500mg sustanon e.w
    my aim is for fat loss and some mass

  3. #3
    Klimax's Avatar
    Klimax is offline Member
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    Take hgh 5 days on two off, like the most do.
    Split up your dosis: one first thing in the morning; the other in early afternoon.

  4. #4
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    the only reason to run 5/2 is to make your GH cycle longer. if you have the funds run the full wk.

  5. #5
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    the only reason to run 5/2 is to make your GH cycle longer. if you have the funds run the full wk.
    x2... if you've got the coin run it all the way through. results will be better.

    I think you'll see some nice results over the course of 7 months with the HGH. You should drop some BF% and should gain some lean muscle mass. I also like the idea of backloading the GH with an AAS. That'll be a great cycle.

    I would say DEFINITELY spend money on T4 and cycle it with your GH. I think people almost do themselves an injustice by not utilizing T4.. especially if you aren't going to use slin, etc..

  6. #6
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I've been on 5iu/ed HGH going on 6 months. I'm also in Week 7 of my Sustanon cycle. Sounds exactly like what you're planning. First, the HGH coupled with a sust cycle works GREAT. I did learn a couple of things. First, I'm prone to acne. Yep, that ugly acne you see on internet photos of steroid junkies. LOL No, it's not that bad but I did get 'em. I should have been more prepared with body wash and topical cream. I would get this ready before your cycle and start using it at the first sign of body acne. Second, sust hurts like heck at the injection site. I pinned in my thigh and I could barely walk. I pinned in my gluts and it was a LOT better. Good luck

  7. #7
    TRYER's Avatar
    TRYER is offline Associate Member
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    KLIMAX why do injections morning then afternoon etc what difference would this make to injecting in mornings alone.

    VITRUVIAN what are T4's ? do they mess with your thyroid ?

    SCOTCHGUARD sounds like im doing the same as you mate ive had sus before and im ok with the injections i have a good pain threshold

  8. #8
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    the reason for injecting in the morning and afternoon is because thats when cortisol is at its highest in the day.

  9. #9
    TRYER's Avatar
    TRYER is offline Associate Member
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    peteroy do you think i should do a morning injection one day and afternoon injection the following day and continue this pattern

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