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Thread: PCT with HGH or IFG??

  1. #1

    Arrow PCT with HGH or IFG??

    I am coming off a SUS cycle of 14 weeks and want to run either HGH or IGF on my PCT to help keep some gains. I have been reading all over one is better than the other and so on. Money is not the issue on this so I want to use the best possible stuff I can.

    Can you recommend dosage and length on using this and which will help keep my gains? Along with how much I may need to complete the full cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Nightmares of bad kids
    If you use the peptide only in pct i would reccomend igf1; if you take the peptide also throughout and before the cycle, gh would work good.

  3. #3

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