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  1. #1
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Question I am trying to Learn all I can, SO I have some questions..

    Ok from what I have learned so far regarding IGF-1 lr3 and MGF...

    Used in conjunction together is the BEST way to run these peptides...

    So on avg. IGF-1 80-100mcg's per day is the best application right??

    And from what I read somewhere 200mcg's Twice Per week is the Best way to run MGF? Right or Wrong??

    Because also what I have read it is best to inject the MGF immediately following the workout.. then an HOUR after the administration of MGF that's when it's BEST to hit up the IGF-1...

    Now... It is meant to be injected into the muscle group you worked out that day.. this is where I get confused...

    Let's Use Shoulders... You have 3 heads.. two ARMS.. so to hit it correctly with the IGF-1 would it be best to go 15mcg's per head?? Total = 90mcg's
    Is this a good or bad way to look at it??

    Now let's look at Bicep's... 4 heads total.. 20 mcg's per head(80mcg) or maybe even 25mcg's per head (100mcg)??

    Or Chest... How would this work... there are 3 area's per PEC right? Upper/Middle/Lower .. both sides.. right/left... so 15mcg's per area?? or 40,45,50mcg's per PEC and it just disperses through the whole PECTORAL Area???

    Let's Now look at the QUAD... 4 parts... 8 total... 12.5mcg's per part??

    I mean HOW DOES THIS REALLY WORK?? I want to have a GREATER UNDERSTANDING OF THIS but it is so friggen confusing, or maybe I am just thinking too much into it...

    Now.. let's Move on to MGF area of it all.. How the heck is this stuff run?? At the same dosages as the Igf-1?? Because it is meant to be injected IMMEDIATELY following a workout.. same with IGF-1... what if you workout say... 5 days per week.. You are only injecting these peptides 5 days per week??

    MGF if it is meant to be the same way just injected sooner than the IGF-1 would also mean dosing would be between 80-100mcg's per day that you workout.. right?? wrong??

    This stuff is very confusing and I AM DETERMINED to learn so I can utilize it as a bridge between cycles... BUT.. I also heard.. gains from the MGF tapers off at or around the 4 week mark.. is this accurate info also?? Or inaccurate?? If it's accurate does the same condition apply to the the IGF-1 Lr3 also??

    Hey I figured anyone knowledgeable in this field would love to answer these questions for me.. It would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks bro's as always !!!

  2. #2
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    never used MGF but have used LR3 a few times. i think you are over thinking a lot of it. i believe from my experience that LR3 does produce localized growth, so inject it where you are lagging PWO bilaterally(muscles worked). i have had the best growth from 100-150mcg pwo. i dose the higher end if im not gonna workout the next day. hope that helps.

  3. #3
    D7M's Avatar
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    Deuce dont' even waste your money on IFG-1 LR3.

    complete waste of money, unless you're looking for an expensive GDA, lol.

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    Really?? I have heard that this stuff is used very regularly and when USED correctly it is better than any other thing in the world of bodybuilding..

    The concept behind them is sound...

    I feel that at this point I should implement them and utilize them and see what happens.. might as well..

    The worst that is going to happen would be NOTHING and the best thing that could happen is that they could DO WHAT THEY ARE MEANT TO DO...

    Ya know?? I just have a lot more research to do before I ever use these Peptides... ya know??

  5. #5
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    ok, well good luck with that.

    here's a read for ya: calling you out...opps

    and go through alot of Pinn's old posts on here, you might change your mind

  6. #6
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    THANKS D !!!

    See that's why you are the man... that article just really did open my eye.... JUUNK !!!

    Ok so let's scratch the IGF-1 and MGF... moving on... WHAT ABOUT....

    HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE ... That shizzit can't be junk right ?!?!

  7. #7
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    of course HGH is great!

    if you got the money...

  8. #8
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    But then I come Across THIS article from a VERY RESPECTED member at someplace I can NOT mention because that type of activity isn't allowed here.


    R3(long) IGF-1

    1: Type- IGF-1 Long R3 (Anything else is not as effective, and if the person providing it for you doesn't know anything about it, you are asking for trouble.)
    2. Storage- the most popular (and most effective) way to store, transport, preserve IGF is by suspending it in sterile BA in a sterile vial.
    This will keep your IGF 99% potent for many months at a time in just about ANY indoor storage, I.E.-closet, drawer, etc. (Take it from me, I stored mine because I wasn't ready to use it for about 6 months in my closet... I had fears about its potency, then I started my first week, and BAM I practically cleaned out the fridge.
    3. Use- Usage should not exceed 4-5 weeks, and an OFF period should be about the same. Daily dosages work best (split up into 2 seems to make little difference in the Long R3 version) Most people see results at about 40mcg/day, some use as low as 30mcg/day, and some folks even use 80-100mcg. I SUGGEST to ALL first time users no matter what level, to start at about 40-50mcg/day.
    4. Administration- I believe in IM injections over sub q, but either seems to be effective. I like IM better because IM using a slin pin is probably the least painful thing one could imagine, even at two times per day. Also, sub Q shots that contain BA, even diluted BA, can leave little nodules that you may not want to feel on your stomach.
    5. Mixing- Most IGF comes suspended in BA. Hopefully it is @ 500mcg/ml or even 333mcg/ml (that would be at 2ml/mg and 3ml/mg respectively) Draw out your desired amount and back load a slin pin. Add enough bacteriostatic Water to fill the U100 syringe completely.
    Some inject immediately before training, while others choose to do 2 shots spread throughout the day... THEY BOTH WORK WELL. Try both; see which method makes your muscles pop out of your skin.
    6. Add plenty of protein, and don’t shy away from carbs immediately after training. I used up to 100g of carbs after training, and my body fat went down, all without cardio.

    I hope that helps a little, and I’m glad to be lurking around this board again.
    More to come.


    The most effective form of IGF is Long R3 IGF-1, it has been chemically altered and has had amino acid changes, which cause it to avoid binding to proteins in the human body and allow it to have a much longer half-life, around 20-30 hours. "Long R3 IGF-1 is an 83 amino acid analog of IGF-1 comprising the complete human IGF-1 sequence with the substation of an Arg(R) for the Glu (E) at position three, hence R3, and a 13 amino acid extension peptide at the N terminus. This analog of IGF-1 has been produced with the purpose of increasing the biological activity of the IGF peptide."

    "Long R3 IGF-1 is significantly more potent than IGF-1. The enhanced potency is due to the decreased binding of Long R3 IGF-1 to all known IGF binding proteins. These binding proteins normally inhibit the biological actions of IGF's."

    It is also not as expensive since a media grade version is available which is sufficient for bodybuilding use. There is also a receptor grade available but it is VERY expensive and the only noticeable difference between the two would only be able to be noticed in a laboratory setting. The price on the black market for Long R3 IGF-1 can be seen anywhere from $300-$500 per milligram depending on the source, be wary of black market dealers of any IGF since it is a VERY difficult item to obtain. As mentioned IGF is a research product and is only available from a few laboratories in the world and is only available to research companies and biotechnology institutions. For the rest of this article when I say IGF I am now referring to Long R3 IGF-1 for simplicity sake.

    There has also been a lot of talk by certain sources claiming to have IGF made by the Eli Lilly company, to clear things up Lilly is a pharmaceutical company and as stated IGF is a research drug and has not yet been approved, Lilly does not and never has manufactured research drugs for retail sale.

    The diluents you will need for the IGF are a weak concentration of hydrochloric acid and a sterile buffer (sterile water or bacteriostatic water) the procedure for diluting the IGF is not very difficult, the diluents can be obtained from most local chemical suppliers and a good source of IGF would also be able to supply the necessary diluents.

    The most effective length for a cycle of IGF is 50 days on and 20-40 days off. The most controversy surrounding Long R3 IGF-1 is the effective dosage. The most used dosages range between 20mcg/day to 120+mcg/day. IGF is only available by the milligram, one mg will give you a 50 day cycle at 20mcg/day, 2mg will give you a 50 day cycle at 40mcg/day, 3mg will give you a 50 day cycle at 60mcg/day, 4mg will give you a 50 day cycle at 80mcg/day and so on. The dosage issue mainly revolves around how much money you have to spend, plenty of people use the minimum dosage of 20mcg/day and are happy with the results, and in fact several top bodybuilders use the 20mcg/day dosage and are pleased with the results. IGF is most effective when administered subcutaneous and injected once or twice daily at your current dosage. The best time for injections is either in the morning and/or immediately after weight training.


    Why is it that some, and I say some like probably meaning A LOT OF... People say that it is as good as GOLD but then others say that it is JUNK...

    It kinda reminds me of the way A LOT of people HATE on Primo.. yet if they were to run it the CORRECT WAY (dosage + timing + HUMAN GRADE[SCHERING] + diet + stacking (with correct compound{Testosterone })= Correct way) They would realize that not only is PRIMO a wonderful thing, but it is ALSO one of THE BEST AAS out there !!

    Now i'm not saying this same thing applies to IGF-1 r3 (Long).. it just makes me wonder when i read things like that... That's all...

    Oh and I get 200iu's of HGH for FREE every 15 weeks-- If i want... i just haven't WANTED yet because I DO NOT KNOW enough about it at this point... but i'm getting there... id like to know as muuch as i can about something before I put it in my body...

  9. #9
    The Deuce's Avatar
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    Ok Ok... Now I got an EVEN more IMPORTANT QUESTION...

    Say I choose to do any of the above... IGF, MGF, and/or HGH... it is recommended that you use an "insulin needle" for injection procedure.. right? When going SUB-Q.. Well how in the WORLD do you DRAW with an INSULIN needle then SHOOT with the damn thing?? Let alone I don't think one of them tiny gauges could even PIERCE a rubber stopper but.. the TIPS are not exchangeable.. meaning not LUER LIP or LUER LOCK...

    How does that work??

  10. #10
    D7M's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Oh and I get 200iu's of HGH for FREE every 15 weeks-- If i want... i just haven't WANTED yet because I DO NOT KNOW enough about it at this point... but i'm getting there... id like to know as muuch as i can about something before I put it in my body...
    Free GH? I hate you.

    But I know what you're talking about...check your pm.

    Anyway, as far the IGF-LR3, you're going to get conflicting info. Do a ton more reading, then make your choice.

    Personally, I wouldn't waste my money on it.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Deuce View Post
    Ok Ok... Now I got an EVEN more IMPORTANT QUESTION...

    Say I choose to do any of the above... IGF, MGF, and/or HGH... it is recommended that you use an "insulin needle" for injection procedure.. right? When going SUB-Q.. Well how in the WORLD do you DRAW with an INSULIN needle then SHOOT with the damn thing?? Let alone I don't think one of them tiny gauges could even PIERCE a rubber stopper but.. the TIPS are not exchangeable.. meaning not LUER LIP or LUER LOCK...

    How does that work??
    Bro if you can inject IM, you can inject sub-q. lol.

    there's a bunch of info on here about it. or just google sub-q injections.

  11. #11
    elitepeptides's Avatar
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    I'm surprised CJC-1295 wasn't mentioned. For about 40 bucks a vial it's not such a bad deal for body recomp. And shit it makes me horny. It doesn't seem to affect others like that, that I know of.

  12. #12
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    I'VE HEARD NOTHING BUT BAD BAD BAD THINGS ABOUT CJC-1295... Odds ARE I'll never use it... kinda like I will never use methyl-tren ...

  13. #13
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    what bad things have you heard about CJC-1295? after ive gone through my GH supply im going to CJC-1295 and GHRP-2 both 100mcg 3x ed. supposed to get roughly 6-8iu worth of GH from the combo. and that gh is the best since its made from your body. just wondering dude.

  14. #14
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    Not sure if they are accurate but just from the things around that it is a dirty peptide.. people are experiencing sides from enlarging of the Elbow joints.. not to mention MAJOR JOINT PAIN.. one guy said it extended his pinky fingers at awkward angles that could never be reversed and are now inoperable appendages ...

    Skin turning to a almost scale like appearance..

    And One guy "CLAIMED" it was the cause of a brain tumor (don't really buy that one but...)

    I am just going to stick with Pharm Grade HGH... I am making an appointment with an anti-aging clinic in my area.. because i have a HORMONE DEFICIENCY (HONESTLY I DO) and then go that route.. might as well..

  15. #15
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    MGF !! --

    As with most peptides, more is not better. Smaller doses with less frequent injection schedules have proven to be optimal. I personally have been using 200mcg injected sub-q, two times per week. I have had my clients try 100mcg, two times per week, three times per week, daily, etc. So far the best results have been my personal method, 200mcg, two times per week.

    Elite athletes are experiencing incredible body fat loss, increased pumps, fullness, and vascularity. I was able to gain 6 pounds of lean mass and lose 4.2% body fat in 4 weeks of use. I kept using it for weeks 5 and 6 but with no further gains or body fat loss. It seems that MGF stalls out at the 4 week mark, my theory being that much like with media grade IGF-1 LR3, the cells reach super saturation and cannot process any further uptake of the peptide sequence. It is possible to bypass this saturation, but it will take some time to work out the differential nature of the timing, much like I had to do with IGF-1 LR3, where I have now found ways to take it for up to 20 weeks with little to no cell down-regulation.

    Is MGF JUST as Pointless as IGF1-LR3??

  16. #16
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I was on 5iu/ed HGH and 50mcg 3 times per week for 5 months before I started my sust cycle. I have read a lot of information on the physiological effects of HGH and IGF but I can give you some real world "gut" feed back. I'm 50, 5'11" tall and weigh 180lbs. My best flat bench before HGH/IGF was 185lbs x 10reps x 10 sets. 6wks into HGH/IGF I was at 205lbs x 10reps x 10sets. At the end of my 10 sets I still felt really strong. The thing I noticed about the IGF is that it makes me pumped all day long. When I wake up in the morning my arms are tight with blood. I'm in week 8 of a 12 week sust cycle. My flat bench is now 225lbs x 10reps x 10sets. The AAS in conjunction with HGH/IGF is awesome. The other thing I notice about the HGH/IGF is that my body metabolism's sped up quite a bit. I'm eating ok but not super clean and I'm still lean. I don't gain the belly fat like used to eating the same diet without the HGH.

  17. #17
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    I think after careful studying I am going to give a Peptide Cycle a try... something simple...

    100mcg's of CJC-1295 + GHRP-6 100mcg's * 3 times per day = 9 months !!


    200mgs of Testosterone Cypionate (TRT)


    25mgs of Proviron


    Bulking Diet of 4470 cals per day.... (Maint. Cals is 3720cals.. so that's an 750cals per day * 7 = 1.5lbs of Muscle) = Next 24 weeks...


    Cutting Diet (for PREP of CONTEST...) + 100mgs EOD of Prop + 100mgs EOD Tren + 400mgs EW of Mast= 12 weeks prior to show...


    Overall goal = 220lbs. 5% Bf at show time

    Current = 225lbs. 13%BF

    This is VERY VERY Doable.. so DOABLE that I am giving myself a big lee-way of number ratios.. in fact I will most likely come in at 225lbs. 5%... Considering that I will probably be a good 245-250lbs. at 12%Bf come 20 more weeks...

    This will be my first SHOW I am not expecting to win it but hell, I AM GONNA BE ONE FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH !!!

  18. #18
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    good for you. i bet your gonna love that combo. lets us know how it goes. good luck

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    I hope I do... I am also contemplating adding in Deca .. just a SIMPLE 200mgs EW to run concurrent with the TEST to have that added Joint Lube that would FEEL GREAT right about now... I do not wanna use it for MASS Gain... just for it's lovely properties of Lubing up the good ole joints.. through trial and error through the years I have learned of this dosage.. IN FACT... 150mgs if it's HG.. namely NORMA's... MmmmMMMmMMMmm Norma Hellas !! Ok sorry I am back now... I just haven't seen any studies on LONG DURATION Deca run... Hmm Maybe I will go post it in "THE APPROPRIATE SECTION".. LOL..

    This is PEP's, HGH, and Slin...

    So since I will be running those two PEP'S -- CJC + GRHP-6 .. Do they cover my GH needs?? I mean i wouldn't benefit anymore if I added HGH right?? More orr less over stimulation of the pituitary right??

  20. #20
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    I wouldn't run the deca in your contest prep cycle, you'll hold onto too much water, imo.

    And if I had the choice between HGH and those peps? Jezuz...just run the GH. lol

  21. #21
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    the peps dosed at 100mcg 3xed are supposed to give you between 6-8ius of your own HGH. so i would think that would be better than any GH in a vial anyday if the peps are clinical grade. anways. you could add in GH 20-30min after cjc and GHRP injection. i would stick with 2iu max after youve been on the peps for a month or 2 before adding HGH. you should get some serious growth and cut BF% pretty nicely at those doses.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    I wouldn't run the deca in your contest prep cycle, you'll hold onto too much water, imo.

    And if I had the choice between HGH and those peps? Jezuz...just run the GH. lol
    Yes, I totally agree but I am by no way contest prepping yet... I have 38.5 weeks until the contest I am talk running the DECA at that minimal dosage for just 20 of them weeks.. so 16 weeks out, I will be eliminating it from me, and switching to that protocol that you and I went over.. right now my JOINTS are SLAMMED ! I could USE a little bit of comfort to them right now.. my body is pretty beat up .. haha I am putting it through the ringer in the GYM.. but it needs it.. aint gonna GROW if I dont do what I am doing!! Plus right now I am looking for anything to bulk up.. Like I outlined up above MY DIET is on point.. I am not looking for a MASS BUILDING AGENT because.. MY DIET is my MASS BUILDING AGENT.. I am just looking for a little alleviation of my Joints right now.. MOST IMPORTANTLY.. My knees...

    What about a Glucosamine supp?? Do those really really work?? Or is it a bunch of bull like the rest of the Supp market ?!?

    As faras the HGH, the only REASON why I wanna go the PEP route right now is to give it a whirl.. see if it is all that they say it is.. if it works.. well then.. YAAAY!! If not.. then I know I CAN RUN the HGH for well forever, but everything I have read is that these Pep's are JUST AS GOOD .. if Not in SOME aspects better.. Faster acting, less possible sides..

    I just wanna give it a try.. it's not like it's oral-tren or 10 weeks of Halo's at 100mgs Daily.. ya know what I mean.. they are pretty darn safe if done properly.. and if you are tested to make sure you have NO ACTIVE TUMORS.. and I know I have NONE in my brain.. so.. hahaha... I should be safe.. I am young and healthy bro.. I am 27 and in my PRIME.. and if I am going to be a successful BIG TIME BB-er.. I have to take this route.. ya know??

    Quote Originally Posted by peteroy01 View Post
    the peps dosed at 100mcg 3xed are supposed to give you between 6-8ius of your own HGH. so i would think that would be better than any GH in a vial anyday if the peps are clinical grade. anways. you could add in GH 20-30min after cjc and GHRP injection. i would stick with 2iu max after youve been on the peps for a month or 2 before adding HGH. you should get some serious growth and cut BF% pretty nicely at those doses.
    That's what I have heard too...That's what made me decide on these PEPS... But I think I am going to hold off on the HGH until I am completed with this run with these PEPS.. here what I am saying???

  23. #23
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    cool. cool.

    good luck with it bro,

    let us know how it works out for you.

  24. #24
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    if i were you and to give yourself some peace of mind, get your IGF levels tested b4 you start the peps and again after youve been on a month or 2 to see how good your source is. and so you dont have to rely on how you feel or visuals cause thats a screwed up game with GH.

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