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Thread: Hgh for height

  1. #1

    Hgh for height

    i was wondering what the chances are of hgh increasing my height. i am a 16 year old, 5foot 8inches male. I went through puberty at an early age but i dont think my growth plates are fused since im only 16. also how much should i be taking?

  2. #2
    If your growth plates have not fused then i would try 2iu ed to see how you go. Also which brand are you planning to use? yes this does make a differnce.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    south Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by petethemanc View Post
    If your growth plates have not fused then i would try 2iu ed to see how you go. Also which brand are you planning to use? yes this does make a differnce.
    are you a fvcking moron? Condoning HGH to a 16 year old. my goddddd

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Thats terrible advice.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Please read closer before offering anymore insane advice

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Fvck no

    Hello Guy,

    I believe that HGH for a teenager will change your body forever and it will not be all good.

    No way would it be worth it!



  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Nightmares of bad kids
    Quote Originally Posted by guy123 View Post
    i was wondering what the chances are of hgh increasing my height. i am a 16 year old, 5foot 8inches male. I went through puberty at an early age but i dont think my growth plates are fused since im only 16. also how much should i be taking?
    1. your plates are probably closed; you can check it only with a test.
    2. if your plates are closed, you won't grow. If they aren't, you'll need high doses to grow in heigh. This dosages will make you a monster: ugly face and body without proportions. These effect will be definitive.

  8. #8
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    Alberta, Canada
    You need a doctors supervision for this IMO. Not something you want to mess around with.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    are you a fvcking moron? Condoning HGH to a 16 year old. my goddddd
    First of all, no need for the insults, i did not see the age in there. And if you read thgrough all my replies to guys asking on age for hgh use i ALWAYS say in the 30s at least. Im pretty sure everyone has their off days and misses something in a message. Fvcking moron........please

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    south Florida
    Quote Originally Posted by petethemanc View Post
    First of all, no need for the insults, i did not see the age in there. And if you read thgrough all my replies to guys asking on age for hgh use i ALWAYS say in the 30s at least. Im pretty sure everyone has their off days and misses something in a message. Fvcking moron........please
    sorry, 100mg of anadrol ED has be a bit hard feelings

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    hgh will not do a damn thing to make you taller. if started at the very begining of puberty there is a low percentage it can but after that its useless in that aspect so dont waste your money
    source checks- 200 posts and 6 month membership min. entirely within my discretion
    PT is a fictional character and all posts are for entertainment purposes only.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ****** View Post
    sorry, 100mg of anadrol ED has be a bit hard feelings

    Ok bud no worries, 100mg anadrol?? to much for me man 40mg ed is my tolerance level.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    The best thing to do is go to your doctor. If you have a growth deficiency he can help you. At 16, you'll probably have a hard time finding HGH. If you find it, you might not be able to afford it. HGH is expensive stuff. If you really do have a growth deficiency, there is a chance your parent's insurance might pick up the tab. Good luck.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2008


    I don't think that suggesting a 16y.o to use GH for growth is a terrible advice. Moreover, its been prescribed to people of this age group for this specific reason. The problem an Original Poster has is that he hit puberty at early age and has high levels of testosterone in his body ( not that he's only 16). But since sex hormones trigger growth plates to close, GH won't make a big difference for him.
    Another statement I couldn't miss was describing crazy - outrageous doses that will turn u into a Godzilla lol. That's not accurate fellas and u know it. Doses always depend on your height, weight and other factors such as speed of ur bone, muscle and other tissues growing during the certain period ( while tests are done). They have many charts to compare the test results with, but besides that it takes about 8 months of appointments to get GH prescribed for GH deficiency. Appointments are usually 2-3 months apart. This way doctors can see how fast or how slow the bones are growing. My sister's kid is 14 and he just got prescribed 1.87mg per day. Considering that 18iu in serostim kits equals 6mg ( and AIDS patient have to take it all at once - that's a crazy dose right there ), but a dose of 1.87mg a day is not even close to something that can turn u into a monster. The good thing is that if you get prescribed , you probably are going to get the best GH out there " Nutropin" AQ or whatever they call it. U don't go to a pharmacy to buy it either. The Gentech or one of the special pharmacies they work with contact the patient and set an exact date of UPS delivery which u'll have to sign for. They will also syncronize the nurse appointment with delivery time , so u can be shown how to do the injection etc. If u say that u know how to inject , it won't help because they'll still send a nurse. They're not playing around at all. The cheapest program they have cost 20.000 usd. But in reality, medicaid covers it or there are a bunch of different grant funds that will pay for ur GH !
    Sorry OP u can't get it. Even if u go thru the right process , u'll be way too old for that particular program. What I suggest is go and look for studies at John Hopkins Univ. or other places and labaratories. There are studies out there and research being done every day. You can find for volunteers of your specific age group that participate in GH therapy etc. Sometimes you end up getting paid for it too.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    no its not bad advice if its in the contexts of the op going to see a professional, but i think what everyone was taking into account is that op even asked how much he should be taking,so for him to take it on his own and not be under the care of a professional would equal terrible advice.I agree about the monster comment.

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