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Thread: hgh sides

  1. #1
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    hgh sides

    ok so i have been on 4ius a day for two months... and the sides are starting to go away is that right like num hands at night and wet dreams... are they suppose to go away?

  2. #2
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    Never had the wet dreams part but have had numb hands and headaches. Your side should go away after about a month.

  3. #3
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    Ohreally ur gonna be a big conditioned ass mofo gh and s4 and maybe something else... I wish I could afford it...btw could it may be a combination of the gh and s4 ?

  4. #4
    OH REALLY is offline Banned
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    i dont know but i was just planing on using it during pct the sarms at least

  5. #5
    elpropiotorvic's Avatar
    elpropiotorvic is offline Senior Member
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    I think i read somewjere around here that it would be counter producing to use it in pct Because it is stimulating the androgen receptor im no expert though as a matter of fact cant remember the ñame of the thread cause i dont even do needles so .. U have probably done ur homework better than me

  6. #6
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009
    I've been on 5iu/ed for six months. I started with 2iu/ed and increase 1iu every 10days. No swelling of the hands and headaches. I wanted to see if the stuff I had was real so I wen to 10iu for one day. Next day, fat fingers and puffy face. Yep, good stuff. Your body will acclimate to the HGH over time. If your HGH is not pure your body will create antibodies to fight the impurity. Either way, the sides should go away in a couple of weeks to a month.

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