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Thread: IGF- Long R3

  1. #1
    slavi is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009

    IGF- Long R3

    I bought 10 bottles of 1mg IGF R3 and I want to ask you how much solution should be put in and how much is 1mg daily dose, and how many doses are in the 1mg.
    My English is very bad because I am from Bulgaria.

  2. #2
    ryankely is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009
    I ml/per bottle of acetic solutiuon(look up AA,you will likely have to make it) would give you 10 shots of 100mcg. 1mg, or one bottle, is ten days worth.(100mcg/day PWO) So get a slin pin and go to the 10mark on the pin. You have to use AA as a solution, as Bateriostactic Water will destroy the IGF unless you use it right away,which you can't do because you have ten days worth per bottle. You could also go to 5 on the slin pin and do 50mcg/day and each bottle would be 20 days worth. It's up to you on your dose.

  3. #3
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I agree with ryankely, do not use bacteriostatic water with IGF. Use only acetic acid. If you search this forum there is a link that tells you how to make AA. Many experts say that the doage should be .1mg/ml per PWO for 30days then take a 30day break. I don't agree with this dosage. Your body cannot reset the IGF receptors fast enough to pin IGF everyday for 30 days. As a consequence the IGF floats in the body until it finds IGF receptors. The most abundant IGF receptors are found in your intestines. Yes, and when the excess IGF is absorbed by the intestines it will grow and grow. You will get Ronnie Coleman guts. I recommend you use .05mg/ml PWO three times per week at the most. Give your body a chance to reset the IGF receptors. Any more than .05mg/ml PWO 3 times per week you have a chance of growing your intestines. IGF is better to go slow and when used with HGH you will get good results. When you use IGF 3 times per week you don't have to take time off. Use the whole 10 x 1mg vials without a break, it is ok. Use it with HGH for the best results. My .02

  4. #4
    BrownBomber's Avatar
    BrownBomber is offline Member
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    So 50mcg's are what you recommend?

    30 days on 30 days off 30 days on ect etc

    I just see 80mcgs everywhere like thats the magical number....

    - BB

  5. #5
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009
    I am very conservative with IGF. The side is gut growth that doesn't go away. I pin 50mcg 3 x week when I'm training hard, 2 x week when I'm not training hard. With this IGF schedule I parallel the length of my HGH cycle.

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