Do any of the experts here know how to lower IGFBP3 ?I have an average IGF-1 levels but there is little benifit from it because its getting bound as my bp3 levels are way above the max.

Dr gave me a low dose HGH each day but I think it will also increase the bp3 along with the HGH,IGF1 levels. I didnt ask him this yet.Actually he gave me HGH because of under the min growhormones levels .

Probely some IGF-1 will help me out but its hard to get as you know and very expensive.I dont know much about IGF-LR3 and if it really has any IGF-1 in it and not just marketing or an animal thing .I dont want to make thing worse as I have very low testosterone , HGH, free T3, high BP3. low cortisol (he gave me medrol and hydro cortisone which make it even worse) etc etc

The worse thing is ..I have to wait like 3-6 months to see the Dr again and if I have the consult ,he is so damn slow and at the end he will hurry and tell he dont have any time anymore , dont explain things etc etc and I paid more then $3000 after 3 consult where the first one was just checking and nothing more. One year later I still have all these abornomal hormonal levels.

I just feel very depressed and I want to make an end to this and I will have to take some action myself.

I hope you guys can give me some advises about this.

