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  1. #1
    starkiller's Avatar
    starkiller is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2009

    Whata !@#$ing Joke!

    Ok Iam was waiting for a delivery and after 3 weeks of just sittin at customs they said the package got lost so, my soucre puts a track on it. They said oh! we found it, it will be there tomorrow. So the truck pulls up today I am frickin exstatic, guy hands me the package as I am taking it into the kitchen I noticed the shit was repackaged. I thought ok this is normal when importing. I continue to open (the litle green/white boxes are so beautiful delicious) I open the boxes and someone took all the shit out, MAN I was frustrated. Now I am waiting for another 3 weeks. What A Joke!

  2. #2
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009
    Wow, that stinks. I've actually heard of others that have had the same experience when they ordered HGH from China. There must be some juiced customs dudes out there.

  3. #3
    myturn is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    so what kind gh is available out there that is good

  4. #4
    starkiller's Avatar
    starkiller is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    Wow, that stinks. I've actually heard of others that have had the same experience when they ordered HGH from China. There must be some juiced customs dudes out there.
    Thats funny scotchGuard. Who the hell klnows what happend all I know is their resending, different addy this time.

  5. #5
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009
    Make sure they're not doing stupid things. I know of an instance where the shipper put "potato chips" on the shipping bag. A kit of HGH is a few cubic inches how can you fit a bag of potato chips in there? Totally stupid. Yep, got snagged at customs.

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