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  1. #1
    iwillsleepwhenidie's Avatar
    iwillsleepwhenidie is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    hgh timing question

    i am new to hgh have read alot of the forums but have one small question. i take 400mgs of test a week. i have enough hgh to run 7 months at 5iu's a day 5 on 2 off. my question is this. when would be the best time to take the hgh. my schedule is hard since i work deep nights. i wake up at around 4pm eat take supps and go straight to the gym. i get home from the gym take supps eat go to work. get home around 4am. go to bed around 7-8am. when would be the best time to take the hgh. i am only currently taking 2ius since i just started. i have been taking the 2 ius around 4am then going to bed around 8am. when i start getting higher in dosage i need to split it into two shots. so should i take it when i first waked up eat then go to the gym? after the gym? take it at 4am go to bed at 8am wake up at like 1pm and take a shot and go back to bed or what? please help any advice would be helpful.

  2. #2
    johnq is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    May 2007
    when you get up to 5ius,
    take 2.5ius soon as you wake then take 2.5ius before you go to work, or could take slin pin to work with 2.5ius in it and take it half way through your shift.

  3. #3
    iwillsleepwhenidie's Avatar
    iwillsleepwhenidie is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2005
    if i take it when i wake and then before i go to work that means i will have taken 5 ius in a 2 hour period broken up by my lifting, this is ok i thought you were suppost to space the shots out more. and i can not take the shots to work.

  4. #4
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    If you can space it out 2.5iu before work and 2.5iu after work there should be enough down time between shots.

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