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  1. #1
    cybrspidey is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Noob needing some guidance on HGH

    OK, let me first say that I have done hours upon hours of research into taking HGH. I have determined that this would be a viable solution to my "problems". Now, for the part I need guidance. I have looked into several websites where I can purchase the HGH. I have settled on one site I believe (they seem to be reasonable for 10 vials at 10iu). Now, a little information about me. I am 5'11" and currently weigh about 250 lbs. I have a well balanced diet, but due to a serious right knee injury about two years ago, have went through numerous surgeries and set backs and have now toppled the scales at 250 lbs. SO, I guess I am around 36% body fat. I have tried all the conventional "thermo" products and find that I just feel like crap and not much changes, ergo the reason to get on HGH. What I need to know is, what is the best, and most affordable HGH I can get, and, how much should I be taking to achieve a weight loss goal of around 55 to 60 pounds. Also note, I work out 3 to 5 days a week for about an hour and a half at a time. I do light cardio due to my right knee injuries and my obvious obesity. I have never been fat in my life until the knee injury and 6 surgeries.

    Please, any help would be greatly appreciated. This vet needs to get in better shape. Oh, and I am 30 years old... saw that to some people, age is a factor.

  2. #2
    higherdesire is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Look up in the sky...
    First off sorry to hear about your situation. Secondly if you are hoping that HGH is the answer to weight issue then you are in for a huge disappointment. HUGE i say again. No offense bro but your diet is definitely not well balanced and you are looking into the wrong compound to achieve those goals. My very best advise to you is to get your cardio up first, and get your "well balanced diet" posted in the diet forum and let the guys balance it for you. I promise these two things alone will bring much faster results and for FAR less money.

    Once you have a few months under your belt consistently achieving the diet and cardio successfully, then look into maybe a clenbuterol regimen to accelerate you goals. If you dont get under 210lbs that way in 6 months, come back and I will pay for your HGH for 6 months. I say that because I am absolutely positive you will not see those kind of results from hgh in 6 months guaranteed no matter how much oyu take. I will look for your post in the diet section bro.

    Good luck


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