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Thread: HGH Yellow Tops

  1. #1
    YouSeeIt's Avatar
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    Smile HGH Yellow Tops

    Hello everyone,
    I just started using HGH with the yellow top five days ago and I was wondering if anyone could help me with a few details.
    I am starting with 3 IU's ed and I was planning on doing this for two months then moving to 4 IU's per day then eventually 5 IU's. I am planning on doing this for a year or longer.
    So far, the only thing that I feel is tired much earlier then normal. I was wondering if anyone who has already done this can tell me what to expect and when to expect it. Also any suggestions on how much I am running.
    I am 25 yo, 6" tall and 190 Lbs what can I expect?
    I am completely motivated, I am eating right and working out everyday. I will keep anyone interested posted.
    Any feedback is appreciated even if it is negative. Thank you
    Last edited by YouSeeIt; 11-11-2009 at 04:38 PM.

  2. #2
    qb_07's Avatar
    qb_07 is offline New Member
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    I too am interested in this topic. I am planning a similar program for myself. I'm a little confused on why its making some people more energized and others tired. Also why some say they can't sleep and others saying it help them sleep better.

  3. #3
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    I've felt a bit tired on the yellow tops as well. I used to get stuff legit from america here form my Doc and it made me feel great... hmm....

  4. #4
    Test247 is offline Associate Member
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    mine are label-less vials. I get em straight from china??

  5. #5
    YouSeeIt's Avatar
    YouSeeIt is offline Junior Member
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    Im not sure where they are made. I only feel tired at night a little earlier then normal and I sleep way better but thats to only difference I have noticed. I have only been using this for a week. My friend is using the same one and he says it works great if you have legit HGH then you shouldnt have any doubts you should be excited as hell!!!!

  6. #6
    dutchman718 is offline Junior Member
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    what is your reason for taking hgh? goals? I do think you are a bit young to be taking it but that is your business. plan on running anything else? 3 iu is too much to start with in my opinion. i would have recommended starting at 1-2iu for a few days, then increase by .5 iu incraments. See how your body reacts (achs, fatigue, sleep, etc.) then gradually increase. Your dose is directly dependant on your goals.

  7. #7
    dutchman718 is offline Junior Member
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    in addition, if you have any doubts ur gh is real, after running it a month or more get to the doc and get ur levels checked out

  8. #8
    YouSeeIt's Avatar
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    Alright thanks a lot for the advice how long should I do 1 or 2 IU's for before going to 2.5 and 3. I am taking gh because I play rugby for my school and I have always been a bit thin and I want to pack on a few pounds of lean muscle permanently. Do you know how I can achieve this goal. besides using steroids because I dont like all the sides.

  9. #9
    YouSeeIt's Avatar
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    And I will most likely run a little bit of test with the gh after 2-3 months any suggestions on that?

  10. #10
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by YouSeeIt View Post
    Alright thanks a lot for the advice how long should I do 1 or 2 IU's for before going to 2.5 and 3. I am taking gh because I play rugby for my school and I have always been a bit thin and I want to pack on a few pounds of lean muscle permanently. Do you know how I can achieve this goal. besides using steroids because I dont like all the sides.
    start at 2iu's for a week or 2. then bump it up 1iu every week until you get to your desired dose. if at any point you become uncomfortable with the sides back it down an iu and stay there for a wk then try to bump it up again. btw GH isnt going to give you the muscle you are looking for. people dont want to hear the truth but its all about diet. and yes running test after 3months is a good idea.

  11. #11
    YouSeeIt's Avatar
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    Are you saying that regardless of how much gh I use, I wont get the results I want even with a very good diet?

  12. #12
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by YouSeeIt View Post
    Are you saying that regardless of how much gh I use, I wont get the results I want even with a very good diet?
    na, just saying you could prolly tweak your diet and gain a few lbs instead of dropping a few K on GH. and for some reason i was comparing GH with AAS. my bad.

  13. #13
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I agree with peteroy01. If you're looking for muscles then AAS is MUCH faster and cheaper. HGH is a long term use product, at least 6 months. The darn thing's expensive compared to AAS.

    HGH grows new muscle tissues while AAS makes your existing tissues bigger. Growing new muscles is a longer process than putting water into the muscles you already have. Don't get me wrong, AAS is awesome for strength and sense of well being. It just works differently than HGH.

    For older men, over 30 years old, HGH is awesome. I can only speak for myself. It helped me put on lean body mass. Increased my mental acuity. The soft tissues in my joints hurt less. It's good stuff. But for building muscles you can't beat AAS.

  14. #14
    YouSeeIt's Avatar
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    So if I run HGH for six months to 1 year at 6 IU's everyday I cant expect to gain any weight or Muscle? I am not looking for extreme gains but I am just a little skinny and my goal is to gain about 10 pounds permanently is the possible with HGH. Money is not a factor and I already have a years supply. Please keep in mind that I am only 24 years old I weight 190 lbs and want to get to 200 lbs. Any feedback is appreciated.
    Can I run AAS with HGH?

  15. #15
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by YouSeeIt View Post
    So if I run HGH for six months to 1 year at 6 IU's everyday I cant expect to gain any weight or Muscle? I am not looking for extreme gains but I am just a little skinny and my goal is to gain about 10 pounds permanently is the possible with HGH. Money is not a factor and I already have a years supply. Please keep in mind that I am only 24 years old I weight 190 lbs and want to get to 200 lbs. Any feedback is appreciated.
    Can I run AAS with HGH?
    like i said earlier, you can gain 10lb in a few months with a good diet easily since you are 24 and only 190lb. but since you have the GH use it but you still need to work out your diet.

  16. #16
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    If you run 6iu/ed for a year I think you'll see good results. Not only will you gain new muscles but you'll feel great.

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