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  1. #1
    sfour_tay is offline Member
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    Oct 2008

    How young is to young for hgh ?

    Just wonder what the youngest age is that you can use hgh ?

    What are some dangers of using it too soon

  2. #2
    inevitable's Avatar
    inevitable is offline Member
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    everyone is going to give u different answers based on what they read/was told etc etc.. Im 24 and have been taking HGH for the past 2 years with 6-8 month spurts. Best choice i have ever made. Absolutely love it. I was doing 4iu 6/1 and it worked nicely but now I switched over to 3x PWO and I think i like this the best so far. If your serious about trying it and are on the younger side like me I say go for it, you will not regret it.

  3. #3
    sfour_tay is offline Member
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    I'm 21 and have herd it can cause issues with growth plates.

    I don't think I'm going to grow any more as far as height is

    Is there a good sicky out there for a beginner ?
    I'm on my iPhone so it's hard to search.

  4. #4
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009
    Your body slows down natural GH production starting about 30. Most of the board with more experience than me counsel people to start HGH at about 30. When HGH taken too young your growth plates can fuse prematurely. You can have abnormal growth in your plates. Your natural pulses of GH could be disrupted. When i was 20 I wanted to look good NOW not in 10 years. I understand the urgency but you could be asking for more problems down the road.

  5. #5
    peteroy01 is offline Senior Member
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    dont know if this is normal or not but im 26 and 2yrs ago i took gh for a year at about 5-6iu ed and my feet got wider. now im taking 8iu ed for the past 5months and i noticed my fingers are fatter(not water). no growth in the forehead or jaw though. anyways im one of the guys on here that feels that most anybody can take GH but u might want to wait a couple years.

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