gonna be 22 soon, 165lbs, 5'6", 9% bf.
i want to do a cycle of igf by itself. would be taking it mostly to see if it would help repair the tendonosis i have in my knees...but i don't mind the other advantages of taking it.
i would appreciate any advice experienced users have to give me on using igf alone in a cycle. and also heard that this stuff won't show up on a piss test?
i'm content with my body's ability to build muscle size and strength. i have just hit a wall because of my tendon problems and i haven't been able to take advantage of my ability to get strong and grow for the past year or so. believe me, in the past year i have been frantically trying to find a treatment for this tendonosis crap. if you've ever been kept from training hard for long period of time i feel your pain.
just to give a little more background on myself, i've been training specifically for olympic weightlifting for almost 4 years. i excelled quite quickly and was nationally ranked pretty high. now my numbers aren't so good.
i know how to train, i know how to eat, i know how to sleep. just trying to avoid getting advice that has been drilled into me my whole life. just need some opinions on igf because this stuff is $$$$$$$$$$$$$ expensive and if imma buy it i want it to work.