I did some researching before I posted.
Some Stats on myself
29 years old
208 lbs
20% body fat
5 foot 9 in
I have never taken any thing in my life. I have been blessed with genetics at 20 years old I was 185 and 6-7% body fat. Im very proportional I had 15.5 in Biceps, 32 inch waste, good traps, 6 pack and shoulders ect. After a few years of drinking and parting Im a chunky butt. I have worked out off and on here and there just to try and maintain some muscle.
Anyway, I was always scared to take anabolics. After some research, the HGH looks like if taken correctly over time it can help.
So this it what I have gathered, I may be wrong.
HGH qualitys
Blue, is the lowest
Green, is better
Yellow, is pretty good
Red, is the very best they give to Aids patients
Start with 2ius ED. 1iu in the Am one in the PM (this may depened on the quality of the HGH).
4ius ED would probably be the max to take before possibly experiencing side effects.
Again, I am new to the whole game. Im open to any advise and posts. The main reason I want to possibly take it is for the fat shredding property that some users may experience. Just started working out again, I was going to reward myself with HGH if I work out for 3 solid months while eating clean.
Thanks fellas,