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Thread: **************** advice **************

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    **************** advice **************

    What would you say to someone who is 19 looking for an edge and thinking or running peptides such as mod GRF(1-29) and GHRP-2 combo or HEX/GHRP-6 before he starts his first cycle of test?

    I know peptides are mainly use is to bridge and PCT to retain gains would they serve any use to me in regards gaining muscle mass and decreasing BF%. I am not particularly looking to grow taller, well maybe in shoulder girdle

    Would this have any profound affect on me and/or mess up the effectiveness of my pituitary to output GH?

    Thanks for any replies in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I think you will find that the vets here will say you are too young.

    Eat right & work out

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by magaton View Post
    I think you will find that the vets here will say you are too young.

    Eat right & work out
    Thanks for the reply bud, I know what your saying

    See the plan was to run a test only cycle this year anyways

    I have been researching for such a long time I started looking up information on peptides

    I figured I could use the help of IGF-1 to create more muscle fibers before heading into my first cycle. (sounds backwards I know)

    So the hyperplasia plus hypertrophy along with the fresh receptor cells reacting from the test would equal a more than satisfactory gain

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Your endocrine system doesn't mature until about 25 years old. Incidentally, that's when all your brain neurological center fully develops. Getting into AAS or HGH before that age could throw your endocrine system off permanently. I know, personally, people who's taken AAS in their teens and now are on permanent TRT. You should really try to maximize your natural potential with diet and training. It'll take you several years to do that. You can take short cuts but you're putting your future health on the line. The final decision's up to you.

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