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Thread: First GH Cycle Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    First GH Cycle Log

    Starting Stats

    Age: 28
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 196lbs (will post my weight at start of each week)
    BF%: 15% (estimated, will be tested)

    **Plan is to run GH by itself for first 8 weeks. Then jump onto an AAS cycle and continue the GH for a 6 month to 1 year period.

    Week 1: 2iu's/day

    - Started with some occassional headaches.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 2: 3iu's/day
    (Weight: 197lbs)

    - Decided to ramp up dosage.
    - Headaches increased at start of week, but then subsided.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation. Looks like hives. I believe its when I don't get the pin deep enough and the GH is irritating one of the bottom layers of skin, as the irritation is maybe in 30% of my sub-Q injections.
    - Some bloat is occuring.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 3: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 198.5 lbs)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Really wanting to jump on AAS Feeling great in the gym...but resisting the urge to start my Test for another 6 weeks is gonna be tough.
    Last edited by XLCanadian; 01-22-2010 at 12:15 PM. Reason: spelling

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Nice log, bro. Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I wish I could afford it, keep us posted I`m interested in your results.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    I wish I could afford it, keep us posted I`m interested in your results.
    No problem. I will be posting my weight at the beginning of each week (Fridays, since I was too impatient to wait til and Sunday or Monday to start shooting lol). At which point I will post my sides, reactions, etc. to the GH. (ex: growing a second head or third arm lol)

    Keep you boys posted.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    I'll be watching. Good luck!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Starting Stats

    Age: 28
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 196lbs (will post my weight at start of each week)
    BF%: 15% (estimated, will be tested)

    **Plan is to run GH by itself for first 8 weeks. Then jump onto an AAS cycle and continue the GH for a 6 month to 1 year period.

    Week 1: 2iu's/day

    - Started with some occassional headaches.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 2: 3iu's/day
    (Weight: 197lbs)

    - Decided to ramp up dosage.
    - Headaches increased at start of week, but then subsided.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation. Looks like hives. I believe its when I don't get the pin deep enough and the GH is irritating one of the bottom layers of skin, as the irritation is maybe in 30% of my sub-Q injections.
    - Some bloat is occuring.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 3: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 198.5 lbs)
    Week 2 did you decide to slit those 3 iu s up or just inject them all at once?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    split them to 1.5 in the am and 1.5 pm

    now at 4iu's and shooting 2 in the am 2 in the pm

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    What happened with the irritation at the injection points ? I get the same from almost all my subq shots.Red "Welts" and some itchyness.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by alextg View Post
    What happened with the irritation at the injection points ? I get the same from almost all my subq shots.Red "Welts" and some itchyness.

    Injection site irritation is decreasing. I also find the deeper you go in, the less irritation occurs... Seems to be the closer you are to the skin the worse they get.

    But I'm on my fourth 15iu bottle now and they are diminishing a lot. It seemsto be a common reaction in about 10% of ppl who use gh.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Injection site irritation is decreasing. I also find the deeper you go in, the less irritation occurs... Seems to be the closer you are to the skin the worse they get.

    But I'm on my fourth 15iu bottle now and they are diminishing a lot. It seemsto be a common reaction in about 10% of ppl who use gh.
    the slin pins i use , the pin is not removable from the syringe ... its attached ... but its 8mm length and i think it would be better to get a longer pin like 1 inch.But the 1inch pins , pin is removable and a very small amount of gh stays always between syringe and pin (top of the syringe).

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by alextg View Post
    the slin pins i use , the pin is not removable from the syringe ... its attached ... but its 8mm length and i think it would be better to get a longer pin like 1 inch.But the 1inch pins , pin is removable and a very small amount of gh stays always between syringe and pin (top of the syringe).
    I'm using the 1/2"(12.7mm) slin pin 29 gauge. It is not removeable...and i don't even put the whole thing in. I am seeing a direct correlation between the depth of the injection and the amount of irritation. The further in I go the less irritation persists. Right now I prob get it about 3/4 of the way in to see little to no irritation.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    I'm using the 1/2"(12.7mm) slin pin 29 gauge. It is not removeable...and i don't even put the whole thing in. I am seeing a direct correlation between the depth of the injection and the amount of irritation. The further in I go the less irritation persists. Right now I prob get it about 3/4 of the way in to see little to no irritation.
    I think you're right..... I go all the way in and have no irritation at all. The only time i get a small welt is if I go over 5iu's in one injection.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Starting Stats

    Age: 28
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 196lbs (will post my weight at start of each week)
    BF%: 15% (estimated, will be tested)

    **Plan is to run GH by itself for first 8 weeks. Then jump onto an AAS cycle and continue the GH for a 6 month to 1 year period.

    Week 1: 2iu's/day

    - Started with some occassional headaches.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 2: 3iu's/day
    (Weight: 197lbs)

    - Decided to ramp up dosage.
    - Headaches increased at start of week, but then subsided.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation. Looks like hives. I believe its when I don't get the pin deep enough and the GH is irritating one of the bottom layers of skin, as the irritation is maybe in 30% of my sub-Q injections.
    - Some bloat is occuring.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 3: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 198.5 lbs)
    - Headaches continued. But are less frequent. Dull ache in back of head.
    - Always wake up well rested.
    - Injection site irritation is subsiding almost completely. Definitely to do with depth of injections.
    - More bloat as I retain water.
    - Joint pain is restricted to ankles, wrists and elbows.

    Week 4: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 200 lbs)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    are your headaches at any specific time in the day?

    i find that ive been waking up with headaches. it was either from the gh or the need of my morning coffee.

    so i held off the gh for a few hours and had 2 cups of coffee and the headache remained.

    took my gh and within 30 mins it was gone.

    experience anything similar?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Just noticed your weight gains...

    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    - Headaches continued. But are less frequent. Dull ache in back of head.
    - Always wake up well rested.
    - Injection site irritation is subsiding almost completely. Definitely to do with depth of injections.
    - More bloat as I retain water.
    - Joint pain is restricted to ankles, wrists and elbows.

    Week 4: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 200 lbs)
    Just wanted to let you know that on monday I will start my third week of GH. I bumped it up to iu's on week 2.

    I also experience slight joint pain in the same areas that you have mentioned, exept I don't get any headaches.

    Furthermore, I started out at 176 lbs on the first week, and I am up to 180 lbs today.

    My diet is in check I'm eating like a champion every day. I try to consume at least 30-50 mg of protein with each of my 6 meals through out the day, and I make sure that I moderate my fats, and complex carbohydrates.

    So far so good buddy I'm minus half an in on my waist.

    I do P90 x Videos every morning at six A.M. to lean out.

    Good luck with your progress bro!

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by AndriodLee View Post
    Just wanted to let you know that on monday I will start my third week of GH. I bumped it up to iu's on week 2.

    I also experience slight joint pain in the same areas that you have mentioned, exept I don't get any headaches.

    Furthermore, I started out at 176 lbs on the first week, and I am up to 180 lbs today.

    My diet is in check I'm eating like a champion every day. I try to consume at least 30-50 mg of protein with each of my 6 meals through out the day, and I make sure that I moderate my fats, and complex carbohydrates.

    So far so good buddy I'm minus half an in on my waist.

    I do P90 x Videos every morning at six A.M. to lean out.

    Good luck with your progress bro!
    I bumped it it from 2 iu's to 4 ius on week 2... I'm tolerating the sides pretty well.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by IGot80HD View Post
    are your headaches at any specific time in the day?

    i find that ive been waking up with headaches. it was either from the gh or the need of my morning coffee.

    so i held off the gh for a few hours and had 2 cups of coffee and the headache remained.

    took my gh and within 30 mins it was gone.

    experience anything similar?
    Headaches come a night most of the time....and I do drink about 3 coffees a day too.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by AndriodLee View Post
    Just wanted to let you know that on monday I will start my third week of GH. I bumped it up to iu's on week 2.

    I also experience slight joint pain in the same areas that you have mentioned, exept I don't get any headaches.

    Furthermore, I started out at 176 lbs on the first week, and I am up to 180 lbs today.

    My diet is in check I'm eating like a champion every day. I try to consume at least 30-50 mg of protein with each of my 6 meals through out the day, and I make sure that I moderate my fats, and complex carbohydrates.

    So far so good buddy I'm minus half an in on my waist.

    I do P90 x Videos every morning at six A.M. to lean out.

    Good luck with your progress bro!

    Sounds like you're doing great. I'm thinking of getting up in the morning to do cardio myself. Right now I do it after weight training. It's the whole getting up at 6:30am instead of 7:30 am. But I imagine that its worth it.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Bump. How are things going, my friend?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Last edited by XLCanadian; 02-05-2010 at 09:48 AM. Reason: deleted

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Starting Stats

    Age: 28
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 196lbs (will post my weight at start of each week)
    BF%: 15% (estimated, will be tested)

    **Plan is to run GH by itself for first 8 weeks. Then jump onto an AAS cycle and continue the GH for a 6 month to 1 year period.

    Week 1: 2iu's/day

    - Started with some occassional headaches.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 2: 3iu's/day
    (Weight: 197lbs)

    - Decided to ramp up dosage.
    - Headaches increased at start of week, but then subsided.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation. Looks like hives. I believe its when I don't get the pin deep enough and the GH is irritating one of the bottom layers of skin, as the irritation is maybe in 30% of my sub-Q injections.
    - Some bloat is occuring.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 3: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 198.5 lbs)

    - Headaches continued. But are less frequent. Dull ache in back of head.
    - Always wake up well rested.
    - Injection site irritation is subsiding almost completely. Definitely to do with depth of injections.
    - More bloat as I retain water.
    - Joint pain is restricted to ankles, wrists and elbows.

    Week 4: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 200 lbs)

    - No more headaches!!!
    - Wake up feeling like a champ!
    - Injection site irritation is maybe 10% of the time or less.
    - Bloat is going away.
    - Joint Pain is occuring sporadically. Comes and goes in different places. Ankles, hands, wrist, elbows, knees, shoulders, neck.

    Week 5: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 202 lbs)

    * Will be starting a new kit mid week...likely Hardcore Growth.
    ** Getting some of my cycle...damn it is gonna be hard to look at prop and tren for another 3 weeks and not start pinning...FAHCK!!
    ***Any ideas on the use of Tren A + Prop with GH. Any pros/cons?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Starting Stats

    Age: 28
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 196lbs (will post my weight at start of each week)
    BF%: 15% (estimated, will be tested)

    **Plan is to run GH by itself for first 8 weeks. Then jump onto an AAS cycle and continue the GH for a 6 month to 1 year period.

    Week 1: 2iu's/day

    - Started with some occassional headaches.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 2: 3iu's/day
    (Weight: 197lbs)

    - Decided to ramp up dosage.
    - Headaches increased at start of week, but then subsided.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation. Looks like hives. I believe its when I don't get the pin deep enough and the GH is irritating one of the bottom layers of skin, as the irritation is maybe in 30% of my sub-Q injections.
    - Some bloat is occuring.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 3: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 198.5 lbs)

    - Headaches continued. But are less frequent. Dull ache in back of head.
    - Always wake up well rested.
    - Injection site irritation is subsiding almost completely. Definitely to do with depth of injections.
    - More bloat as I retain water.
    - Joint pain is restricted to ankles, wrists and elbows.

    Week 4: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 200 lbs)

    - No more headaches!!!
    - Wake up feeling like a champ!
    - Injection site irritation is maybe 10% of the time or less.
    - Bloat is going away.
    - Joint Pain is occuring sporadically. Comes and goes in different places. Ankles, hands, wrist, elbows, knees, shoulders, neck.

    Week 5: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 202 lbs)

    - headaches and joint pain are about more injection site irritation.
    - had to slow up on the gym this week due to knee pain and elbow pain and have a business trip cutting my week off too. come back and hit it hard next week.
    - don't know if i'm bloated or just a chubby b*

    Week 6: 4iu's/day
    (Weight 203.5lbs)

    - Business trip end of last week / beginning of this week facked things up a bit...but came back strong.
    - noticed some numbness in my hands and some joint pain as well. Headaches once in a while but they are short.
    - Feeling strong as hell. Getting amazing pumps in the gym.

  24. #24
    I really like the way you have formatted your GH log on a week by week basis with attention to detail. I have never understood the joint pain though...considering GH is supposed to make joints stronger and heal better.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    I really like the way you have formatted your GH log on a week by week basis with attention to detail. I have never understood the joint pain though...considering GH is supposed to make joints stronger and heal better.
    Thanks for the comment. Just wanted to give some detail from my experience as far as symptoms/benefits and what not. Didn't really want to spend time talking about how my max lifts etc. have gone.

    As for the joints, my shoulders and ankle have all healed great. As far as the knees I have always had bad knees.

    But the joint pain is the most common side I read about. And to be honest, it doesn't always occur with me day to day, but I'll get some joint pains out of'll last for a little while and then disappear...weird if you ask me.

    On the good side of things...JUICE STARTS IN TWO WEEKS BOYS!!!!!!! LOL

    I have been staring at my TREN A and TEST P bottles for 3 or 4 weeks and am surprised that I am holding out as well as I have.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Starting Stats

    Age: 28
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 196lbs (will post my weight at start of each week)
    BF%: 15% (estimated, will be tested)

    **Plan is to run GH by itself for first 8 weeks. Then jump onto an AAS cycle and continue the GH for a 6 month to 1 year period.

    Week 1: 2iu's/day

    - Started with some occassional headaches.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 2: 3iu's/day
    (Weight: 197lbs)

    - Decided to ramp up dosage.
    - Headaches increased at start of week, but then subsided.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation. Looks like hives. I believe its when I don't get the pin deep enough and the GH is irritating one of the bottom layers of skin, as the irritation is maybe in 30% of my sub-Q injections.
    - Some bloat is occuring.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 3: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 198.5 lbs)

    - Headaches continued. But are less frequent. Dull ache in back of head.
    - Always wake up well rested.
    - Injection site irritation is subsiding almost completely. Definitely to do with depth of injections.
    - More bloat as I retain water.
    - Joint pain is restricted to ankles, wrists and elbows.

    Week 4: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 200 lbs)

    - No more headaches!!!
    - Wake up feeling like a champ!
    - Injection site irritation is maybe 10% of the time or less.
    - Bloat is going away.
    - Joint Pain is occuring sporadically. Comes and goes in different places. Ankles, hands, wrist, elbows, knees, shoulders, neck.

    Week 5: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 202 lbs)

    - headaches and joint pain are about more injection site irritation.
    - had to slow up on the gym this week due to knee pain and elbow pain and have a business trip cutting my week off too. come back and hit it hard next week.
    - don't know if i'm bloated or just a chubby b*

    Week 6: 4iu's/day
    (Weight 203.5lbs)

    - Business trip end of last week / beginning of this week facked things up a bit...but came back strong.
    - noticed some numbness in my hands and some joint pain as well. Headaches once in a while but they are short.
    - Feeling strong as hell. Getting amazing pumps in the gym.

    Week 7: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 203 lbs)

    - Weight gain stopped...may have to do with my business trip messing the diet/training up, etc.
    - Headaches are few and far between. Just when I get pissed at my
    - Numbness in the hands occuring once or twice a day...only one hand at a time.
    - Thinking of upping the dose to 5iu's/day for week 8 and then 6 iu's/day for week 9 and beyond once AAS starts

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    i cant really understand the benefit(s) of taking hgh for 8 weeks and then stop.
    and start again in X weeks... no sense...

    if you start hgh, you should take it every day for at least 5-6 months.
    otherwise, it is wasting of money!

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    los angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by dinko View Post
    i cant really understand the benefit(s) of taking hgh for 8 weeks and then stop.
    and start again in X weeks... no sense...

    if you start hgh, you should take it every day for at least 5-6 months.
    otherwise, it is wasting of money!
    I think the OP means he's taking hgh alone for 8 weeks, then ADDING ON an AAS cycle, all the while continuing to take the hgh for another 6 mo - 1 year. Correct me if I'm wrong.....

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by dinko View Post
    i cant really understand the benefit(s) of taking hgh for 8 weeks and then stop.
    and start again in X weeks... no sense...

    if you start hgh, you should take it every day for at least 5-6 months.
    otherwise, it is wasting of money!

    Read the top of my first post.... "I plan on running GH from 6 months to 1 year"


  30. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by progressive1 View Post
    I think the OP means he's taking hgh alone for 8 weeks, then ADDING ON an AAS cycle, all the while continuing to take the hgh for another 6 mo - 1 year. Correct me if I'm wrong.....
    u got it brother...likely a full year of GH....My AAS starts in 1 week! Goona do that for 10-12 weeks then keep the gh flowing righ thru to end of 2010!

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Originally Posted by XLCanadian
    Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Starting Stats

    Age: 28
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 196lbs (will post my weight at start of each week)
    BF%: 15% (estimated, will be tested)

    **Plan is to run GH by itself for first 8 weeks. Then jump onto an AAS cycle and continue the GH for a 6 month to 1 year period.

    Week 1: 2iu's/day

    - Started with some occassional headaches.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 2: 3iu's/day
    (Weight: 197lbs)

    - Decided to ramp up dosage.
    - Headaches increased at start of week, but then subsided.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation. Looks like hives. I believe its when I don't get the pin deep enough and the GH is irritating one of the bottom layers of skin, as the irritation is maybe in 30% of my sub-Q injections.
    - Some bloat is occuring.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 3: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 198.5 lbs)

    - Headaches continued. But are less frequent. Dull ache in back of head.
    - Always wake up well rested.
    - Injection site irritation is subsiding almost completely. Definitely to do with depth of injections.
    - More bloat as I retain water.
    - Joint pain is restricted to ankles, wrists and elbows.

    Week 4: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 200 lbs)

    - No more headaches!!!
    - Wake up feeling like a champ!
    - Injection site irritation is maybe 10% of the time or less.
    - Bloat is going away.
    - Joint Pain is occuring sporadically. Comes and goes in different places. Ankles, hands, wrist, elbows, knees, shoulders, neck.

    Week 5: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 202 lbs)

    - headaches and joint pain are about more injection site irritation.
    - had to slow up on the gym this week due to knee pain and elbow pain and have a business trip cutting my week off too. come back and hit it hard next week.
    - don't know if i'm bloated or just a chubby b*

    Week 6: 4iu's/day
    (Weight 203.5lbs)

    - Business trip end of last week / beginning of this week facked things up a bit...but came back strong.
    - noticed some numbness in my hands and some joint pain as well. Headaches once in a while but they are short.
    - Feeling strong as hell. Getting amazing pumps in the gym.

    Week 7: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 203 lbs)

    - Weight gain stopped...may have to do with my business trip messing the diet/training up, etc.
    - Headaches are few and far between. Just when I get pissed at my
    - Numbness in the hands occuring once or twice a day...only one hand at a time.

    Week 8: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 202 lbs)

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Originally Posted by XLCanadian
    Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Starting Stats

    Age: 28
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 196lbs (will post my weight at start of each week)
    BF%: 15% (estimated, will be tested)

    **Plan is to run GH by itself for first 8 weeks. Then jump onto an AAS cycle and continue the GH for a 6 month to 1 year period.

    Week 1: 2iu's/day

    - Started with some occassional headaches.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 2: 3iu's/day
    (Weight: 197lbs)

    - Decided to ramp up dosage.
    - Headaches increased at start of week, but then subsided.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation. Looks like hives. I believe its when I don't get the pin deep enough and the GH is irritating one of the bottom layers of skin, as the irritation is maybe in 30% of my sub-Q injections.
    - Some bloat is occuring.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 3: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 198.5 lbs)

    - Headaches continued. But are less frequent. Dull ache in back of head.
    - Always wake up well rested.
    - Injection site irritation is subsiding almost completely. Definitely to do with depth of injections.
    - More bloat as I retain water.
    - Joint pain is restricted to ankles, wrists and elbows.

    Week 4: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 200 lbs)

    - No more headaches!!!
    - Wake up feeling like a champ!
    - Injection site irritation is maybe 10% of the time or less.
    - Bloat is going away.
    - Joint Pain is occuring sporadically. Comes and goes in different places. Ankles, hands, wrist, elbows, knees, shoulders, neck.

    Week 5: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 202 lbs)

    - headaches and joint pain are about more injection site irritation.
    - had to slow up on the gym this week due to knee pain and elbow pain and have a business trip cutting my week off too. come back and hit it hard next week.
    - don't know if i'm bloated or just a chubby b*

    Week 6: 4iu's/day
    (Weight 203.5lbs)

    - Business trip end of last week / beginning of this week facked things up a bit...but came back strong.
    - noticed some numbness in my hands and some joint pain as well. Headaches once in a while but they are short.
    - Feeling strong as hell. Getting amazing pumps in the gym.

    Week 7: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 203 lbs)

    - Weight gain stopped...may have to do with my business trip messing the diet/training up, etc.
    - Headaches are few and far between. Just when I get pissed at my
    - Numbness in the hands occuring once or twice a day...only one hand at a time.

    Week 8: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 202 lbs)

    - Switching to new GH this week after kit #2 is finished.
    - Still getting the numbness in the hands.

    Week9: 5iu's/day
    (Weight: 206 lbs)

    - Switched to new GH. Bumped up the dose.
    - Joint pain and headaches started again after a day or so. Numbness in hands still occuring as well (pins and needles).
    - Started my AAS cycle as well (100mgs prop EOD, 75 mgs Tren-A EOD)
    - Feeling great, other than the AAS injections hurt like a bitch.....damn its been awhile

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    good log keep em coming. how about some before and after pics

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    im definitely following this log. was thinking of running something similar. will be checking in on ya thoughout. good luck bro.


  35. #35
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wait.. where am I?..
    I'm on the verge of turning the corner and plunging into hgh. this is a very good thread. i'll be following. good job!

  36. #36
    XL Canadian.. Any change to libido, well-being, face wrinkles etC?

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by messmorph View Post
    XL Canadian.. Any change to libido, well-being, face wrinkles etC?
    Libido: I'm always good to go. So to say there's a change....I can guarantee you there is no negative effect. Maybe during the first week or two of use it decreased as my body adjusted.

    Well-Being: I wake up feeling great and well-rested every morning. This is including if I happen to go out and party. My chcik will be dead to the world for a few hours after I am up and moving.

    Face Wrinkles: At 28 I don't have many yet. But I can say my skin does look better. However, since I started my AAS as well I did have a breakout, but that seems to have subsided after a couple weeks.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Originally Posted by XLCanadian
    Originally Posted by XLCanadian View Post
    Starting Stats

    Age: 28
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 196lbs (will post my weight at start of each week)
    BF%: 15% (estimated, will be tested)

    **Plan is to run GH by itself for first 8 weeks. Then jump onto an AAS cycle and continue the GH for a 6 month to 1 year period.

    Week 1: 2iu's/day

    - Started with some occassional headaches.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 2: 3iu's/day
    (Weight: 197lbs)

    - Decided to ramp up dosage.
    - Headaches increased at start of week, but then subsided.
    - Wake up feeling refreshed.
    - Some injection site irritation. Looks like hives. I believe its when I don't get the pin deep enough and the GH is irritating one of the bottom layers of skin, as the irritation is maybe in 30% of my sub-Q injections.
    - Some bloat is occuring.
    - Minimal joint pain.

    Week 3: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 198.5 lbs)

    - Headaches continued. But are less frequent. Dull ache in back of head.
    - Always wake up well rested.
    - Injection site irritation is subsiding almost completely. Definitely to do with depth of injections.
    - More bloat as I retain water.
    - Joint pain is restricted to ankles, wrists and elbows.

    Week 4: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 200 lbs)

    - No more headaches!!!
    - Wake up feeling like a champ!
    - Injection site irritation is maybe 10% of the time or less.
    - Bloat is going away.
    - Joint Pain is occuring sporadically. Comes and goes in different places. Ankles, hands, wrist, elbows, knees, shoulders, neck.

    Week 5: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 202 lbs)

    - headaches and joint pain are about more injection site irritation.
    - had to slow up on the gym this week due to knee pain and elbow pain and have a business trip cutting my week off too. come back and hit it hard next week.
    - don't know if i'm bloated or just a chubby b*

    Week 6: 4iu's/day
    (Weight 203.5lbs)

    - Business trip end of last week / beginning of this week facked things up a bit...but came back strong.
    - noticed some numbness in my hands and some joint pain as well. Headaches once in a while but they are short.
    - Feeling strong as hell. Getting amazing pumps in the gym.

    Week 7: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 203 lbs)

    - Weight gain stopped...may have to do with my business trip messing the diet/training up, etc.
    - Headaches are few and far between. Just when I get pissed at my
    - Numbness in the hands occuring once or twice a day...only one hand at a time.

    Week 8: 4iu's/day
    (Weight: 202 lbs)

    - Switching to new GH this week after kit #2 is finished.
    - Still getting the numbness in the hands.

    Week9: 5iu's/day
    (Weight: 206 lbs)

    - Switched to new GH. Bumped up the dose.
    - Joint pain and headaches started again after a day or so. Numbness in hands still occuring as well (pins and needles).
    - Started my AAS cycle as well (100mgs prop EOD, 75 mgs Tren-A EOD)
    - Feeling great, other than the AAS injections hurt like a bitch.....damn its been awhile

    **Sorry guys been really busy with work and the gym and patching things up with the chick. Gotta catch up. Posting up to March 19th.

    Week 10: 5iu's/day
    (Weight: 209 lbs)

    - Occasional numbness in hands/forearms. Joint pain is minimal and tends to be wrist, elbows, knees and ankles. Occasional headaches, but are very short and sporadic.
    - Noticable change in strength and quality of lifts at the gym. Not feeling the joint pain I used to get while lifting prior to HGH use.

    Week 11: 5iu's/day
    (Weight: 209lbs)

  39. #39
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    **To Post a quick note. I also switched around end week 9/start week 10 to once a day injections. Just as an experiment to see if there would be any differences. So far all results are the same. No change in sleep patterns or how I feel when I rise in the morning.

    My once a day dose has been in the afternoon an hour before the gym or in the evening about an hour after the gym.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    how bout the body fat--i see ur up 13lbs

    any change to diet since starting--how did u get that 13lbs---is it muscle?

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