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  1. #1
    russiandave is offline Associate Member
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    Why split doses?

    I am currently taking 5iu of hgh ed. I split it into 2 2.5iu pins per day.

    I am only doing this because I read that it is better this way. However I am not sure why.

    Is it because it is following the natural pulses our body produces and releases gh natrually. Or is it because anything over a specific IU would be wasteful?

    I read that some people follow a pinning cycle that is one pin every two or three days, splitting a full weeks worth of hgh into three high dosage pinnings. This helps them bulk a bit more etc.

    So how is doing two pins of 2.5iu ed better than doing one larger dose of 5iu at one shot.

  2. #2
    aussiecol is offline Junior Member
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    I would like to know the same.
    I hear people taking 8IUs ed. How do they split that up?
    I want to do 4IU ed. Why can't it all be taking first thing in the morning?


  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    I believe there is certainly a limit to how much HGH user can take at one time before some of that HGH not necesseraly becomes wasted or useless, but not as effective as if you were to take a smaller amount. This is one reason why users choose to split their doses throughout the day to get the most out of their dose. There is a thread in here which explains about HGH doses and reasons behind why doses are split into multiple shots. I have no idea the name of this thread but if I come across it in the future I will certainly post it as there is some useful information regarding this matter.

    There are different protocols on HGH use. Some take it ED, some 5/2, some 6/1 some EOD etc etc, and as everybody is different you need to experiment with these protocols to know excatly what suits you best. Yes this can be expensive but it's the only way to be as sure as possible.

    Users who take more than 5IU daily usually split the dose into multiple shots. I believe taking 4 - 5 IU at one time is ok, it certainly worked fine for me but as I said everybody is different.

    aussiecol: 4IU at one time should not be an issue, and yes first thing in the morning upon waking up is a good time to take it.


  4. #4
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Just want to add that the less times you take HGH per day the better it is IMO. This is because the more shots you take throughout the day the more chance you have of interrupting your natural production. Now it would be good if you could figure out how much you can take at once, however this would certainly be a difficult task.


  5. #5
    russiandave is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    I believe there is certainly a limit to how much HGH user can take at one time before some of that HGH not necesseraly becomes wasted or useless, but not as effective as if you were to take a smaller amount. This is one reason why users choose to split their doses throughout the day to get the most out of their dose. There is a thread in here which explains about HGH doses and reasons behind why doses are split into multiple shots. I have no idea the name of this thread but if I come across it in the future I will certainly post it as there is some useful information regarding this matter.

    There are different protocols on HGH use. Some take it ED, some 5/2, some 6/1 some EOD etc etc, and as everybody is different you need to experiment with these protocols to know excatly what suits you best. Yes this can be expensive but it's the only way to be as sure as possible.

    Users who take more than 5IU daily usually split the dose into multiple shots. I believe taking 4 - 5 IU at one time is ok, it certainly worked fine for me but as I said everybody is different.

    aussiecol: 4IU at one time should not be an issue, and yes first thing in the morning upon waking up is a good time to take it.

    This is good to hear. I am going to take my 5iu of hgh one time ed upon waking then. Itll save me a lot of hassle as far as work goes and keeping my second shot cool, also my midsection will thank me because it will only look half as much like a pin coushin lol

  6. #6
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I thought 5iu/day was spread out in two doses so the HGH level is more even through out the day. I've read where pro's were taking HGH 3 times per day to even out the HGH pulses throughout the day.

  7. #7
    russiandave is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    I thought 5iu/day was spread out in two doses so the HGH level is more even through out the day. I've read where pro's were taking HGH 3 times per day to even out the HGH pulses throughout the day.
    Well that is what I read in different threads as well. But at 5iu a day I figured I may as well make a thread about it and see what everyones thoughts were.

    Basically from what gear just said, it wouldnt make a noticeable difference in results if i split it or keep it one injection.

    I am still waiting to see what others have to say on this, but I have to admit, pinning once a day instead of twice sounds 50% better to me already lol

  8. #8
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    To my knowledge..... hgh is active only for a certain period of time once injected. Therefore splitting the doses would keep the HGH active in the body longer.....

    Just some more food for thought.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  9. #9
    aussiecol is offline Junior Member
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    A pretty famous ex pro bodybuilder who I pay for services right now told me 4IU in one shot is fine.

  10. #10
    russiandave is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    To my knowledge..... hgh is active only for a certain period of time once injected. Therefore splitting the doses would keep the HGH active in the body longer.....

    Just some more food for thought.....

    Understood. But then we have to think about the two options then. Lets say the halflife of hgh is one hour in your system.

    Are two hours of 2.5iu of hgh more effective than one hour of 5iu of hgh in the system. Or do they basically equal out to doing the same thing in the body.

    That is really what it all boils down too imo

  11. #11
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    Once HGH is injected, it takes approx 20min to travel to the liver before IGF is released, and IGF can be released anywhere up to 20 hours post HGH injection.


  12. #12
    dinko's Avatar
    dinko is offline Associate Member
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    one experienced body builder told me that one shot at morning is fine (up to 5IU).

    on the other hand, if you do your work out at evening, it will be better to split your dose half morning half 30 mins after workout. this way you take advantage of the anabolic attribute of the hgh.

    if you don't work out some days (ie Saturday), you still have to take the dose the same time at evening. otherwise, you disturb the pulse rate. the same theory applies to the ed, eod, 5/2, 6/1 etc protocols. ED keeps everything balanced without distrubing your pulse.

  13. #13
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I pinned 20iu at once to see how it felt. I got sides really bad. I'm back to 5iu/ed once in the am and once in the pm. Getting good results. I figure if it ain't broken I ain't gonna fix it.

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