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  1. #1
    SMALLbaby's Avatar
    SMALLbaby is offline New Member
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    first time hgh user,could use help

    hi all!
    after all these years of using AAS ive decided,starting 1st of march,to use hgh.

    im planning on using the ramp up method which redbaron
    stated in this post: My Guide to HGH for anyone interested

    my question would be,since i have "only" 300IU on my disposal, what is smallest amount of hgh i can use to get some results and to make it last. my plan is to shed bodyfat at thee beggining and then upping the dose for some lean bulk.would 2IU be sufficent for this goal?

    ive read that using 5on 2off is effective way to use it .
    what about T4? do i use it 100mcg trough my entire cycle and do i need it at all?

    im planning on using 1g of test along 400mg tren ace(i will cut tren ace at week 10).

    what about mixing hgh? as ive understood if i take entire bottle of BW or sterile water and mix it with powder then in 1ml i have 100IU and if i use it with slin syringe i only need to inject untill the first line(2iu).

    what time do i use it? morning,evening? i get up at 7.45 am,can i take it then?

    phew i hope i wasnt to boring with my questions.


  2. #2
    IGot80HD is offline Junior Member
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    re read redbarons post. your mixing is off.

    some say 2 IU is enough to work on people 40+ and younger need more.

    i am 25 and take 3.3 ED and see benefits. but if youre lookin to shed fat that doesnt come in til later in the cycle 3+ mos

    there is no science backing up 5/2 3/1 ed or eod dosages. think it comes down to what youve read and what everyone else has seen success in.

  3. #3
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    I do 5iu/ed and feel great. You need to be on HGH for a while. Some say 6 months others say they feel it in 3 months. I've been on for 13 months and I feel great. If you take 3iu/ed for 100 days it's only a little over 3 months. What ever method you choose to take HGH, 300iu will have a certain given amount of potential in your body. If you stretch it out you feel less effects. If you concentrate the dosage you feel it faster. I'd say wait until you have at least 6 month's worth.

  4. #4
    FCVtec's Avatar
    FCVtec is offline Associate Member
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    I agree with scotch 100 percent. Wait until you have enough for 6 months. I am also on 5iu 6 on 1 off and I did use the ramp up. Been on it for around 2 and a half months so far and I can say I started seen results on the beginning of the second month and I am very happy with them. If I had to stop it at 3 months I would be pissed because I know the best is still to come. Wait and do it right

  5. #5
    JimInAK's Avatar
    JimInAK is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard View Post
    I do 5iu/ed and feel great. You need to be on HGH for a while. Some say 6 months others say they feel it in 3 months. I've been on for 13 months and I feel great. If you take 3iu/ed for 100 days it's only a little over 3 months. What ever method you choose to take HGH, 300iu will have a certain given amount of potential in your body. If you stretch it out you feel less effects. If you concentrate the dosage you feel it faster. I'd say wait until you have at least 6 month's worth.

    i only buy 300iu at a time, because it's against federal law to distribute HGH and that represents a normal 90 day supply for me. there is federal law that allows me to import up to a 90 supply of medicine for personal use and it's my intent to comply with that law.

    however, i am not a lawyer, although i have been a pro se litigant and have associates that are attorneys. so my opinion should not be taken as an absolute fact.

    fyi - i did extensive research BEFORE i ordered HGH and i did find a case where a person was prosecuted here in the US for importing 500iu. i suspect that he had been involved in some kind of importation/distribution sting related to steroids somehow, but i couldn't obtain the details in that case.

    it's a shame that our government doesn't respect our constitution or our rights as citizens. it's a result of people being uninvolved, turning OUR power over to a few greedy self-serving politicians and then believing that "nothing can be done." i personally find that fact disgusting.

    there's money to be made building prisons, hiring lawyers and prosecutors and it's not about justice... so buyer beware. if more people would read the FACTUAL information on this site, maybe things would change. i am an optimist and believe that change will come... however, i'm not sure i'm gonna live long enough to see it happen.

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