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Thread: Somatropin, Jintropin vs. Hyge-tropin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Tokyo, Japan

    Somatropin, Jintropin vs. Hyge-tropin

    I'm a 45 yr. old who has been training on and off since High School.
    I have had successful cycles in the past with Testosterone, Deca Durobolin and D-Bol. Also, with Testosterone, Tren and D-Bol.

    Usually, I will do a cycle about every 6 months. Now, I would like to try HGH.
    What is the difference and/or what is better and why is it better between Somatropin, Jintropin vs. Hyge-tropin?

    From what I can see myself, Jintropin is better than Somatropin. Where does Hyge-tropin come into the picture?

    Also, what if I wanted to do my regular Testosterone, Tren and D-Bol cycle with HGH? Good idea and if so, why or why not?

    What about me starting HGH for a few months at 2iu/day and after a few months jacking it up to 4iu/day along with the Testosterone, Tren and D-Bol cycle?

    Am I not supposed to be using the word Hyge-tropin for some reason? I haven't been here for a very long time and when I put this word in, it seems to blank off the screen.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Somatropin is a general term for hgh not a brand.
    Jintropin and Hyge*tropin and Glotropin are somatropins.
    How come you see your self that somatropin is better than jintropin??

    As for your questions:

    jin and hyge are equal quality. both chinese pharms. they say jin is beter. but its hard to find REAL and original jin. lots of copies.

    hgh will boot your cycle. but it helps even if you are out of a cycle. you should consider no less than 4IU ed.

    2iu per day is for maintenance only. start with 4IU splitted in two doses. one morning when you wake up and one evening after workout (assuming you workout @ evening).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Tokyo, Japan
    I was reading in a few places regarding the difference in Somatropin and Jintropin and every place that I found would say that Somatropin is the older version.

    You mention regarding Jintropin that there are lots of copies. Then are you saying that you should just look for straight Somatropin or hyge?
    I found the supposed manufacturer of Jintropin in China.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    H is good.
    I take 4IUs a day in one shot early AM. No need to split.
    Some of the "big guns" on here will tell you the same.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I would start at 2ius just to see how you react to the sides. As far as quality goes with the above? At the end of the day they are all chinese generics from talk Glo is better.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    i'm on glo right now. but i want to use blue tops as well. half price or more :\

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