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  1. #1
    GUP is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    HgH Clarification

    i have been researching gh for some time and recently started a course of at least 10months, i follow a 5 on 2 off schedule at 5iu a day. what has been confusing is the shear volume of differing opinions.

    i train first thing in the morning at 5am

    4am 5iu subq shot gh
    train 5-6 am - post workout shake with 10iu humalog

    currently i am on aas cycle as well, i also use t3 at 25mcg ed

    now a few questions , i decided on a one off dose as i wake up , i have read arguments going both ways that 5iu is fine one off , but would it be better to split it 2.5 at 4am and then again 2.5 at 2pm (2pm is exactly between my meals)

    secondly i am in 2 minds about the t3 ? should it be used or not ?

    thanks for any assistance

  2. #2
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Aug 2004
    RIP Brother...
    Personally my opinion is that too much fuss is made over when you take take your shots, I think by far the most important thing is simply how many iu's total over the course of a week (within reason - I am not advocating one 70iu shot per week before a smartass pipes up lol)

    It used to be the cardinal sin on these boards to take your GH at bedtime because it disturbed your nighttime GH pulse, NOW however that is increasingly thought to be nonsense and there is a strong argumant in favour of bedtime dosing - if your body releases the biggest pulse at night then its probably for a good reason right?

    Personally I would definately use the T3.

  3. #3
    GUP is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2010
    thanks for your reply, i have read that as well ( overall iu per week) that does help put my mind at ease, so many varying opinions and theories , alot of the articles usually structured round someone either training twice a day or in the afternoon. (if taking gh pw or pre workout)

    a friend recently suggested whole dose just before bed , but jury is still out so have opted the safer route

    so far experiencing alot of bloat , mainly do subq inj although today did forearm intramuscular

  4. #4
    GUP is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    oops forgot, i usually run slin 4 weeks on 4 weeks off pw only, i take it that holds true on gh as well

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