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Thread: Does IGF-1 LR3 cause swollen ankles??

  1. #1

    Does IGF-1 LR3 cause swollen ankles??

    It may be all a coinicidence but a week after I started IGF-1 LR3, both of my ankles have been swollen to the point of painful. My hands don't really seem swollen at all but its hard to tell because I don't wear a ring of any sort. Could this be a side effect of the IGF? For some reason, I thought it was only a GH side effect. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    users have reported some discomfort in their hands and feet with igf but that is only well within the cycle. it shouldn't be to the point of disabling pain. since you're experiencing pain only a week in i doubt it has something to do with the igf. more than likely it may have something to do with your training.

    what are your daily dosages?

  3. #3
    Thanks for your reply. I am only taking 20mcg/day PWO. It is probably from my training but a bit strange because they are both swollen in the EXACT same spot.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    I know a lot of people will discontinue cardio when starting a cycle (not recommended). Did you do this, by chance? How's your diet? Are you taking in high amounts of sodium? Is it just your ankles or are your shin areas swolen as well?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    There's natural swelling in the ankles if you stand a lot. I wear dress socks to work everyday and when I get home after a trade show there's a huge dent in my ankle from where my socks were. 20mcg/ed is not much I wouldn't think that dosage would cause such unnatural water retention. Oh yeah, my wife retained lot of water in her feet when she was pregnant. Did you do a pregnancy test? LOL

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