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  1. #1
    time 4 a *CHANGE*'s Avatar
    time 4 a *CHANGE* is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2009

    alergic reaction

    okay so i get hives from one of the vitamins im taking nd im kinda sure its the gluconate thats in the zinc thats wuts causing it. So my question is, wutevr my bodys goin through cuz of the hives from the gluconate, WILL my body attack the HGH nd keep it from doing wut the hgh is supposed to do?????????

  2. #2
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Man, that's a pretty tough question. Seems like a simple answer but there are probably more things going on besides a simple allergic reaction to the gluconate. HGH is pretty forgiving and it stacks well with just about everything. Let us know what you find out.

  3. #3
    time 4 a *CHANGE*'s Avatar
    time 4 a *CHANGE* is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2009
    well luckily im just startin out taking hgh, today was my first day on my cycle so i should get sum base levels test done then nd sum tests done in about 2 months to see if they get elevated to kno if my allergic reaction to the gluconate doesnt affect the hgh but i cant go to a doctor for it again cuz he might get suspicious. anybody know that one website that sends u the kit so u can draw ur blood urself then send it baccc so they can test it????? if anybody do kno the answer to my question in my first post leet me kno. nd i still would like to kno that one website for blood test.
    Last edited by time 4 a *CHANGE*; 04-11-2010 at 09:13 PM.

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