Hi guys. Long time lurker, but this is my first thread on the forums.
I am going into my last year of eligibility for college football. I am old for a college football player. I don't want to tell my exact age because I'm paranoid. I know no one hear cares, but please understand.
I am 6'1 217 lbs. About 7% bf.
I did a 10 week cycle of 500mgs per week of sustanon about 5 years ago.
Last summer I did 500 mgs of test e for 12 weeks with a dbol kick start. Had some gyno issues but it cleared up with letro and nolva. So keep in mind that I am prone to gyno and it is a concern.
A couple of guys on my squad are running test cycles, but I can't ask them for advice because they really don't know much about juice, and I don't want anyone knowing my business. I want to try GH> I am considering the following cycle.
3ius per day of somatropin for 100 days
500mgs of test e for 10 weeks
I might run arimidex or letro throughout. Definitely nolva and clomid for PCT.
My goals are pretty simple. Add strength and some size while shedding some fat. I have a very strict diet.
Any suggestions? Thanks!