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  1. #1
    krahul3 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2002
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    Wink HGH and IGF 1 Ideal cycle duration

    Hi Everyone,
    I am about to start my first HGH and IGF 1 Cycle, As far as I have read I should do HGH for ATLEAST 3 Months to see some results, but I am still UNSURE of what's the ideal time for IGF 1 's cycle?
    Some of the other members are running IGF1 for only 25 days? please advise.

    I plan to do HGH 4 IU / day ( injecting EOD) and 60 mcg IGF (ED split twice a day)

  2. #2
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Why 4iu of HGH every other day? If you can afford it, stick with it everyday. As for IGF, you'll get best results to pin immediately PWO bilaterally into the worked muscles. If you shoot a large amount like 100mcg/ed then you cycle it for a month. If you shoot 50mcg/eod PWO you can use it for much longer, several months. I've read of people using IGF 50mcg/eod or e3d for a long time.

  3. #3
    GOONBAH is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2010
    why the difference in cycle length with a different dose

  4. #4
    ScotchGuard is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2009
    The theory is that the IGF receptors gets saturated with large daily dosage of IGF. You need to get off of IGF so the receptors will reset. With smaller dosage combined with hard workout the IGF receptors are reset after each workout and during the rest period.

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