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Thread: Serostim help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Serostim help

    Hey guys,
    Im new to this site and need help with dosage suggestions for Serostim.
    I have a kit with 7 bottles of serostim (6mg) each. I was told to mix 1 ml of bac water with each bottle (when needed) and keep it in the fridge.

    My stats;
    29 years old
    350 lbs

    Im looking to lose body fat and get lean. I recently was on Somatropin for the past 2 months but I don't know if it worked right. i use insulin needles that has lines up to 50. I was filling up to 15 on the insulin needle every other day in the mornings. Thats what my friend told me to do. Is that right? Also the Somatropin was unmixed when I got it but had an expiration date 2 years prior. I was told as long as its unmixed it should be fine. It worked a little as I did lose about 30 lbs but that could also be because I started working out about 4 times a week with a trainer. Not sure.

    Anyways i just got this Serostim (unexpired!) that I mentioned above and want to start taking the right dosage. Can anyone offer advice. I have searched this forum but all I see is IU's and thats not on these needles I have. Also daily, every other day, day/night??? im confused. I did take it today after mixing the first vile. I filled up the needle to 15 and injected in the lower part of stomach above the waist.

    Thanks guys for any advice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    The easiest way to figure out HGH IU measurements is to put the same amount of dilutant into the HGH vial as there are IUs inside.

    10 IUs - If you put 1 ml (the 100 mark on your insulin needle) of your bac water in, then every 10 on your insulin needle = 1 IU

    8 IUs - If you put .8 ml (the 80 mark on your insulin needle) of your bac water in, then every 10 on your insulin needle = 1 IU

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    From quickly browsing the web, your 6mg serostims are about 18 IUs. I would suggest buying 1cc needles instead of the 1/2cc needles you have. Fill the needle to 90 with bac water and mix it with your HGH. Then every 10 mark on your needles will be about 2 IUs.

    Or you could fill the needle with bac water to the 100 mark and inject it into the vial and with a new needle add an additional 90 to make every 10 mark = about 1 IU. I just don't know if your HGH vial is large enough to hold 1.8 ml

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