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Thread: insulin & HGH & what

  1. #1

    Exclamation insulin & HGH & what

    i need some advice
    i intend on doing a cycle of insulin with hgh in this manner

    insulin 5 iu ED post workout
    hgh 3 iu 5 on 2 off

    what i would like to have some advice about is? which is best
    would taking 1ml Cut Stack 150 EOD
    or 1ml/250 mg test E &1ml/250 Deca EW
    or any other suggestions would be welcome
    PS Cut Stack 150 is
    * 50mg/ml Testerone Propionate.
    * 50mg/ml Drostanolone Propionate.
    * 50mg/ml Trenbolone Acetate.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    stats and cycle experience?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Have you run slin before? What kind are you running? The doses of everything seem very low, so let us know your experiences, goals, and age/stats.

  4. #4
    40 years old, 230 lbs bf 23%
    been weight lifting for 17 years, mostly bodybuilding, back in the day i did power lifting,
    Done HGH cycles, Cutstack only cycle, Deca/TESTcycle, Deca/Win cycle,
    Deca/dianabole cycle, T3 Cycle, insulin only 4 weeks cycle

    My aim with this cycle is Mass and get more trimmed,

    i pump iron 5 days a week and run/walk 4 to 5 times a week
    Last edited by flame©; 05-10-2010 at 12:16 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by flame© View Post
    40 years old, 230 lbs bf 23%
    been weight lifting for 17 years, mostly bodybuilding, back in the day i did power lifting,
    Done HGH cycles, Cutstack only cycle, Deca/TESTcycle, Deca/Win cycle,
    Deca/dianabole cycle, T3 Cycle, insulin only 4 weeks cycle

    My aim with this cycle is Mass and get more trimmed

    i pump iron 5 days a week and run/walk 4 to 5 times a week
    You cant really add mass and get cut at the same time. Its just doesnt work like this, surely you have realized this during your 17 years of bodybuilding. I would try to reduce your bodyfat, as in do the cutting first, before adding mass. But you could add mass, then cut; however at 23% bf less estrogenic issues would be possible at a lower fat level. Diet is the most important factor here, you could also look into clen, t4, or t3. Running hgh and a low dose of your "cutstack" can insure no muscle is lost and over time can aid in the fatloss (esp the hgh). But perfectly fine to drop the AAS during this phase.

    Never seen this "cutstack", but I do really like idea of combining mast, test p, and tren a. And your deca/test e you asked about, would make a great mass cycle. And during your mass phase is where I would add in the slin. Again you did not specify what type of slin we are talking about, but I will say 5iu is very conservative. You might want to taper up to 10iu post workout. Just dont make big jumps. I know guys, and myself, that take 10x that post workout with humalog or huminlin R. Just throwing that out there, not to impress, or even suggest you can handle that most people stay below 15iu so you may want to play around with the dosages a bit and see how your body responds.

    hope any of this helps..

  6. #6
    nice, thanks for the reply,
    regarding CutStack it is a Diamond Pharma Group product

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