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Thread: GH info ligament injuryes

  1. #1

    Question GH info ligament injuryes

    hi everyone i am new and hope to be a positive member to the forum

    i have a knee ligament injury and a ankle and found out couple days also a hip and they all need surgery to repair which isn't a good and having them all wouldn't feel to good.

    all injures are from kick boxing and have been doing it since 10. i asked alot of people and even looked it up and GH is know to heal ligaments. i got a body builder friend but getting a second thought about this isn't a bad idea.

    i am 230 pounds and 6 '2 age is 21 i know that is young for this but i have no choice i am in pain and really need this (like to weight 200 again gained weight from injuryes all fat) last time i checked i was 18% body fat i think it was 2 months ago i mite be more now

    so my questions are:

    can this really help me??

    how much should i take and how often??

    and anyhting else i should know??

    how to minimize negative side effects?

    thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Sorry to hear about your injury. I have been involved in Karate for over 35 years and I can sympathize with your condition. I have had ACL surgery on my left knee and ortho on both knees. HGH does synthesize collagen in joints. It could also inhibit pulses of your natural growth hormone. I think you should be safe and go talk to a health care professional. I think you're going to get a wide variety of responses from this board. Most likely you're going to listen to the ones that agree with your opinion. I think you should heal naturally. If you had surgery it would take you 6 months to recover. If HGH screws you up you'll suffer for the rest of your life. Be safe.

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