Any reason all of the sudden BIG welts on my forehead and nose--any reason? any ideas? Female---Onmitrope 1 unit daily and on week 5 now----
Any reason all of the sudden BIG welts on my forehead and nose--any reason? any ideas? Female---Onmitrope 1 unit daily and on week 5 now----
Last edited by SlimmerMe; 05-26-2010 at 08:27 AM.
This could be related to many things such as diet or any other drugs you may be taking or have taken. Doesn't sound like its HGH related especially that you're only experiencing this now (5 weeks into HGH cycle).
You under stress? Are you on any other compounds? The acne is an indication that test is aromatizing into estrogen. When I was on my sustanon cycle I have big 'ol lumps on the back of my neck. I washed with 10% benzyl peroxide, used Ance Annihilator, did the vitamin B overload, and still acne. I took accutane for 8 weeks and my acne was reduced significantly. If your HGH is really HCG your Test level could be rising. I'm just thinking out loud. You should get some blood work done and check your IGF, test, estrogen level.
since i came off my last cycle of test e (cido) and dbol i have started getting horrid acne on the back of my neck i was ok all they way through my cycle and it never started until i PCT clomid??? what's all that about??? any ideas???
thanks-fyi: -on bhrt too: estradial--estriol--progesterone--test--dhea and as well as armour--and----(the hgh "expired" last week---but--that would be a super fast reaction!) these pimples hurt---they are even sensitive to the water from the shower--
Last edited by SlimmerMe; 05-26-2010 at 06:36 PM.
You're taking a bunch of estrogen makers and testosterone makers. Normally, body builders try to reduce the level of estrogen in the body when they're on test. You're doing the opposite. The aromatising of test into estrogen causes acne. You enhancing your estrogen level as well as elevating your test level. I would think the natural side effect is acne. I'm assuming you're using the armour for weight loss and reduction of body fat. IMHO you've got too much different compounds in your body. It isn't the HGH that's causing the Acne. It's just part of the big picture. You should go see and endo and get a professional opinion.
thanks----I am taking the Armour for low thyroid actually (was on Synthroid for years and switched to Armour and am aware it has been reformulated plus I like it much more than the Synthroid since it has the T-3) and----i appreciate your mentioning the estrogen overload----I will mention this to the doc who I am seeing soon----He is really into all of this himself so I am sure he will be open to all of my information I am getting from this forum---I bet you are right---too many compounds---I feel like I am my own experiment!
Last edited by SlimmerMe; 06-01-2010 at 01:14 PM.
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