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Thread: cortisone shots with GH

  1. #1

    cortisone shots with GH

    i have 3 ligment injurys and starting GH in about a week and was wondering after the first month would it be a good idea to take a cortisone shot at just the knee and hip
    Last edited by lovethis; 05-29-2010 at 03:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    cortisone will hamper gains if you're on AAS. It should be ok of you're on HGH. Dr's recommend cortisone as the last resort after rest, icing, and physical therapy. If you're hurting, by all means see a doc and get a shot. I hurt my shoulder last year and got a cortisone shot. It was such a relief from pain. Hey, it was only for a week or so but I was able to get started on the healing process.

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