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Thread: HGH log for everyone!

  1. #601
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    This didn't start happening until I started taking PM shots.....

    I just got done with a 20iu blast and went back to 8iu's yesterday. This is probably why I have the cts again but it's the chronic fatigue in my joints thats bothering me..... not so much pain.

    I'll continue at 8iu's and stop PM shots and see if it gets better.

    No wonder you're suffering so much if you're taking 20ius! Your joints should ease off now you've dropped back down to a dose if 8ius.

    jing jai

  2. #602
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    Yesterday i got my first BW and my estradiol reached 97 pg/ml (20 - 47) while PRL 10,32 ng/ml (2,64 - 13,13).

    So, I thought it was due to the estrogen rebound since my PCT is now over and not taking nolva anymore.

    But, how do I know if it is not also due to some other drugs included into the vial of rHGH?

    For example, my ankles since a few weeks already were really swollen. Yesterday, after having looked at the BW, I decided to take either 25 mg of Exemestane as well as 0.5 mg of Cabergoline. This morning, my ankles are normal for the first time, no water anymore, I can see all the veins again.

    I thought a diuretic could have caused this, like furosemide, if due to water retention from rHGH.
    The point is I did not take a diuretic but an AI. So?
    Last edited by BJJ; 07-22-2010 at 01:43 AM.

  3. #603
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Yesterday i got my first BW and my estradiol reached 97 pg/ml (20 - 47) while PRL 10,32 ng/ml (2,64 - 13,13).

    So, I thought it was due to the estrogen rebound since my PCT is now over and not taking nolva anymore.

    But, how do I know if it is not also due to some other drugs included into the vial of rHGH?

    For example, my ankles since a few weeks already were really swollen. Yesterday, after having looked at the BW, I decided to take either 25 mg of Exemestane as well as 0.5 mg of Cabergoline. This morning, my ankles are normal for the first time, no water anymore, I can see all the veins again.

    I thought a diuretic could have caused this, like furosemide, if due to water retention from rHGH.
    The point is I did not take a diuretic but an AI. So?
    This doesnt sound good BJJ.

    Correct me if I am wrong but did you not say that your ankles we not swollen before you took the hyge?

    I hope I am worng here and that the water was already there?

    What were your somatropin levles in your blood?

    This once again highlights the need to get our vials of rHGH tested, did you have any luck finding a lab to do this?

    jing jai

  4. #604
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    This doesnt sound good BJJ.

    Correct me if I am wrong but did you not say that your ankles we not swollen before you took the hyge?

    I hope I am worng here and that the water was already there?

    What were your somatropin levles in your blood?

    This once again highlights the need to get our vials of rHGH tested, did you have any luck finding a lab to do this?
    Actually they were already swollen but with the hyge they increased the water retention a lot more. So, the water was already there from another brand, yes.

    I await both somatotropin and somatomedin during the day I hope, in case tomorrow.

    Agree, we need to test a vial. Unfortunately, no good news in regard of a lab otherwise I would have told you about.
    I keep searching for...

  5. #605
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Actually they were already swollen but with the hyge they increased the water retention a lot more. So, the water was already there from another brand, yes.

    I await both somatotropin and somatomedin during the day I hope, in case tomorrow.

    Agree, we need to test a vial. Unfortunately, no good news in regard of a lab otherwise I would have told you about.
    I keep searching for...
    Ok well I think we should wait for the somatropin and somatomedin blood levels to come back and then take it from there, agree?

    Has anyone else got anywhere with regards to finding a lab?

    Notsmall did the lab you were talking to not get back to you?

    jing jai

  6. #606
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Ok well I think we should wait for the somatropin and somatomedin blood levels to come back and then take it from there, agree?

    Has anyone else got anywhere with regards to finding a lab?

    Notsmall did the lab you were talking to not get back to you?
    Yes, I guess so.
    I just called the lab and I was told in the afternoon I will receive my results.
    I will post them ASAP.

  7. #607
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    IGF-1: 135 ng/ml [96 - 494]_____________238________________________________461__________________520 (after 40' via IM: 521)
    HGH: 0,3 ng/ml [0,0 - 10]_______________11,1______________10,5______________22,2_________________25,7 (after 40' via IM: 36,3)

    .................................................. ........EuroHormones
    .................................................. .....................................Generic Green
    .................................................. .................................................. .............HardCoreGrowth
    .................................................. .................................................. ................................................Hyge.tropin

    Injection time: 5:30 am (euroh./green/hardc.g.), 6 am (hyge.)
    Days on the same drug before testing: 7 (all four types)
    Blood work time: 8:00 am (all four types)
    Amount injected: 4 iu (euroh./green) - 5 iu (hardc.g./hyge.)
    Injection site: umbilical (euroh.) - oblique (green/hardc.g./hyge.)
    Injection type: sub-q (all four types)

  8. #608
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    The only brand able to raise my IGF-1 beyond the max range available for my age was Hyge.tropin.

    This is a fact, not an assumption.

  9. #609
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post

    The only brand able to raise my IGF-1 beyond the max range available for my age was Hyge.tropin.

    This is a fact, not an assumption.

    BJJ thanks for posting this. Not a surprise at all after my experience with Riptropin.

    It looks like the Hyge's barely got you out of the normal range.

    I think the bigger picture is almost finished being painted regarding Chinese GH.

  10. #610
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    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    BJJ thanks for posting this. Not a surprise at all after my experience with Riptropin.

    It looks like the Hyge's barely got you out of the normal range. unfortunately

    I think the bigger picture is almost finished being painted regarding Chinese GH.
    Sorry, what do you mean by that?

  11. #611
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    By the way, I await my wife's results within a few days.

    Her somatrope should bring out, in proportion, much better results.

  12. #612
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    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    BJJ thanks for posting this. Not a surprise at all after my experience with Riptropin.

    It looks like the Hyge's barely got you out of the normal range.

    I think the bigger picture is almost finished being painted regarding Chinese GH.
    How was your test administered and what were the values you posted before?

  13. #613
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    How do you know what your taking, your taking unlabled vials of white powder from China.

    Can you not get it tested to see what it contains?
    Thats the thing..... I'm just reporting how i'm feeling right now. I can't pay $1000 to have it tested at the moment.....


  14. #614
    So BJJ, your HGH levels are elivated higher than beofre. What are your thoughts?

    jing jai

  15. #615
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    So BJJ, your HGH levels are elivated higher than beofre. What are your thoughts?
    Well, surely Hyge is the best brand I used so far but I want to see my wife's results on Somatrope because my IGF-1 did not shoot up much.

    I never used so far a pharma grade brand, so I have no idea how better my somatomedin levels could have been but my feelings are there is a better rHGH out there, even if not pharma grade.

    I want to try Jintropin now and compare it with Hyge.tropin.

    I need to find a better somatropin for my next cycle.

  16. #616
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Well, surely Hyge is the best brand I used so far but I want to see my wife's results on Somatrope because my IGF-1 did not shoot up much.

    I never used so far a pharma grade brand, so I have no idea how better my somatomedin levels could have been but my feelings are there is a better rHGH out there, even if not pharma grade.

    I want to try Jintropin now and compare it with Hyge.tropin.

    I need to find a better somatropin for my next cycle.
    Well at least your results are heading in the right direction, I have a feeling than Jin may be better than Hyge but we shall have to wait and see.

    When will you be comparing the Jino?

    jing jai

  17. #617
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    I am on pharma grade ( omnitrope) and my levels hardly went up at all- from 99 to 116 after almost 3 months---however I am also on a lot of other stuff too---BHRT and armour

  18. #618
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Well at least your results are heading in the right direction, I have a feeling than Jin may be better than Hyge but we shall have to wait and see.

    When will you be comparing the Jino?
    I think not before the beginning of September.
    I am still waiting for the Jin to arrive.

  19. #619
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    By the way, is not Jintropin the same brand used by Stallone?

  20. #620
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post

    IGF-1: 135 ng/ml [96 - 494]_____________238________________________________461__________________520 (after 40' via IM: 521)
    HGH: 0,3 ng/ml [0,0 - 10]_______________11,1______________10,5______________22,2_________________25,7 (after 40' via IM: 36,3)

    .................................................. ........EuroHormones
    .................................................. .....................................Generic Green
    .................................................. .................................................. .............HardCoreGrowth
    .................................................. .................................................. ................................................Hyge.tropin

    Injection time: 5:30 am (euroh./green/hardc.g.), 6 am (hyge.)
    Days on the same drug before testing: 7 (all four types)
    Blood work time: 8:00 am (all four types)
    Amount injected: 4 iu (euroh./green) - 5 iu (hardc.g./hyge.)
    Injection site: umbilical (euroh.) - oblique (green/hardc.g./hyge.)
    Injection type: sub-q (all four types)

    From looking at your blood test from various brands is looks like there is no consistancy between the stated amount in each vial. 10ius of gh should be 10ius no matter what brand it is but from reading your results its really looks like there are many different qualities.

    The only way to use gh IMHO is to go to a manufacturer who is licenced by athourities and not some underground lab which isnt regulated in anyway.

    Would you eat dog sh1t if it was the 10th of the price of steak but looked the same

  21. #621
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    From looking at your blood test from various brands is looks like there is no consistancy between the stated amount in each vial. 10ius of gh should be 10ius no matter what brand it is but from reading your results its really looks like there are many different qualities.

    The only way to use gh IMHO is to go to a manufacturer who is licenced by athourities and not some underground lab which isnt regulated in anyway.

    Would you eat dog sh1t if it was the 10th of the price of steak but looked the same
    You are perfectly right?

    Have you ever used Jintropin?

  22. #622
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    You are perfectly right?

    Have you ever used Jintropin?
    The last time I used jin's was 5yrs ago, they were great

  23. #623
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    From looking at your blood test from various brands is looks like there is no consistancy between the stated amount in each vial. 10ius of gh should be 10ius no matter what brand it is but from reading your results its really looks like there are many different qualities.

    The only way to use gh IMHO is to go to a manufacturer who is licenced by athourities and not some underground lab which isnt regulated in anyway.

    Would you eat dog sh1t if it was the 10th of the price of steak but looked the same
    Well Marcus you have an unusual way of comparing things but I think I understand what you are trying to say.

    Of course the only way to be sure is to buy a licensed product, I guess many people cannot afford that and are therefore tempted to opt for the cheaper product, are they throwing good money after bad? Only a lab report can tell us that!

    jing jai

  24. #624
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    You are perfectly right?

    Have you ever used Jintropin?
    I used it about 4 years ago, it is some of the best gh I have ever used.

    jing jai

  25. #625
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Would you eat dog sh1t if it was the 10th of the price of steak but looked the same
    A little extreme there..... I'd say It's like comparing filet mignon to shell steak. Both are steak..... both come from a cow..... but one is obviously better than the other.

    Lets not forget why there is a generic HGH market. EVERYONE on this planet would rather have pharma grade HGH but they can't afford it..... hence the generics that are out. Sure they may not be of the best quality..... but IF and I say IF they contain real HGH - it's a better deal.

    If I had the money to lab test mine I would. When that time comes.... if it tests to be real HGH than i'd rather stick with that than pay extra for pharm grade.


  26. #626
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    The last time I used jin's was 5yrs ago, they were great
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    I used it about 4 years ago, it is some of the best gh I have ever used.
    Great to know, I am looking forward to try it as well.

    XL, did you start using...

  27. #627
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    I agree with Marcus and XL..

    However im not in a position to test my gh so i shall continue to take it until it runs out. When the time comes i will only buy pharma, why risk anything else??

    Ive been on 4ius for a couple of weeks now injecting 7/7 and ive bloated quite badly, my sleep is awesome but the numbness in the arms and hands is alittle bad..
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  28. #628
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Sorry, what do you mean by that?
    What I mean is that most Chinese GH is not of good quality but, some brands are ok.

    I know a guy who had higher levels using Jintropin then any other kind of GH from there are a few decent companies out there in China.

    Do you know what your base level was before any of the GH?

  29. #629
    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall View Post
    How was your test administered and what were the values you posted before?
    I took the 24 hr urine collection GH test from AAL Reference Labs that my doctor administered to me.

    Age expected levels were from Low-500 to High2275 and I tested 1230 the first time and 1345 the second test which were low to moderate as stated by the test.

  30. #630
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    I agree with Marcus and XL..

    However im not in a position to test my gh so i shall continue to take it until it runs out. When the time comes i will only buy pharma, why risk anything else??

    Ive been on 4ius for a couple of weeks now injecting 7/7 and ive bloated quite badly, my sleep is awesome but the numbness in the arms and hands is alittle bad..
    I agree..... here are my thoughts.....

    I've had better results while running my HGH..... if it's not HGH then it's still making me grow better. I look better now than I ever have...... Also.... my HGH is paid for (up to 8iu's 5/2) so i'm not spending the cash on it myself. I wont go into details regarding it but just to clarify - I AM NOT SELLING..... DON'T ASK.

    When the time is right.... I will try pharm grade but as of right now I can't do that. Do I think pharm grade will be better.... yea i'm sure. Maybe this generic is underdosed..... idunno what the deal is but i'm seeing results and i'm happy. If in the near future I have to pay for it..... i'll no longer take it until I can afford pharm grade stuff.

    I mean..... this all happened so damn fast. Everyone here was going on their merry way with the generics up until a month ago. Now all of a sudden every one of us has fake HGH because theres no label, or because theres a pinwheel on the top..... Come on. While I agree that the generic HGH is not up to par with pharm grade HGH - i'm sure my personal hgh is not just some random powder.

    idunno..... just my .02


  31. #631
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    Quote Originally Posted by fossilfuel7 View Post
    What I mean is that most Chinese GH is not of good quality but, some brands are ok.

    I know a guy who had higher levels using Jintropin then any other kind of GH from there are a few decent companies out there in China.

    Do you know what your base level was before any of the GH?
    Sure I know, I posted it.
    It is up there before the range values.

  32. #632
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    I agree..... here are my thoughts.....

    I've had better results while running my HGH..... if it's not HGH then it's still making me grow better. I look better now than I ever have...... Also.... my HGH is paid for (up to 8iu's 5/2) so i'm not spending the cash on it myself. I wont go into details regarding it but just to clarify - I AM NOT SELLING..... DON'T ASK.

    When the time is right.... I will try pharm grade but as of right now I can't do that. Do I think pharm grade will be better.... yea i'm sure. Maybe this generic is underdosed..... idunno what the deal is but i'm seeing results and i'm happy. If in the near future I have to pay for it..... i'll no longer take it until I can afford pharm grade stuff.

    I mean..... this all happened so damn fast. Everyone here was going on their merry way with the generics up until a month ago. Now all of a sudden every one of us has fake HGH because theres no label, or because theres a pinwheel on the top..... Come on. While I agree that the generic HGH is not up to par with pharm grade HGH - i'm sure my personal hgh is not just some random powder.

    idunno..... just my .02

    I completely understand what you are doing and hell if its working then carry on...

    Im certainly feeling the correct sides so i will see what happens...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  33. #633

    First time with GH

    I just got purchased 100iu's of yellow tops and everytime I inject I have a red circle and itching as well. I only inject 3iu each morning subQ. I alternate site from the front of my belly to the love handles. I have read a few other treads and a few people were saying that it could be I am allergic to the BA water. I know alot of people that take the same kind and have great gains so I am thinking its purely allergy related. The vials are 10iu's each and are kept in the fridge before and after mixing. I only mix one vial at a time and it lasts me 3 days. Do you think it would be ok if I used sterile water?

  34. #634
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Great to know, I am looking forward to try it as well.

    XL, did you start using...
    Yes I started on Monday, 8iu split early AM and early PM. I will run 7/7 until I feel it is working.

    jing jai

  35. #635
    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    I agree with Marcus and XL..

    However im not in a position to test my gh so i shall continue to take it until it runs out. When the time comes i will only buy pharma, why risk anything else??

    Ive been on 4ius for a couple of weeks now injecting 7/7 and ive bloated quite badly, my sleep is awesome but the numbness in the arms and hands is alittle bad..
    Where is the bloat mate?

    jing jai

  36. #636
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Yes I started on Monday, 8iu split early AM and early PM. I will run 7/7 until I feel it is working.
    Good Luck then.

    When do you plan to take also T4?

  37. #637
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    Good Luck then.

    When do you plan to take also T4?

    How are you feeling today, how is the bloat etc?

    jing jai

  38. #638
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post

    How are you feeling today, how is the bloat etc?
    I feel Ok and the bloat in my hands seems to be gone while is back on my ankles, even though less than before.

  39. #639
    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    I feel Ok and the bloat in my hands seems to be gone while is back on my ankles, even though less than before.
    Do you still feel like you are loosing BF?

    jing jai

  40. #640
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    Do you still feel like you are loosing BF?
    Not anymore since a week I would say.

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