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Thread: HGH Frag 176-191 info

  1. #1

    HGH Frag 176-191 info

    I was hoping to get a little more info on this. I have cycled on and off of aas for the past 3 years and was looking to get into hgh. I am 26 yrs old, 6'5", 275, 14-15% bf. I am wondering dosage on this? How long to run it for? What to stack with it? Is this form of HGH legit and worth it?

    Thank you for any input

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    I'm a big fan of HGH over peptides. I've been on HGH for a couple of year 5iu/ed and still getting really good results. It's normally recommended that you wait until 30 before you start HGH. HGH is good stuff it'll stack well with almost any AAS.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    all you will get from 176~191 is fat loss. That is all that part of hgh does, that is the fat loss fragment of the hgh supposedly. The stuff works! }ts is not a substitute for diet and cardio, but it will accelerate your fat loss, especially through the lower abdomen. I saw zero sides except severe lethargy the first 3~5 days. I have ran it at 500mcg 2x a day, but have found 250mcg 2x a day works just as well. I have found zero difference between subq and im shots, subq are supposed to keep it active longer i think. or make it release slower. I used it after dieting down allready to get rid of the final "sticky fat" without restricing my cals too low, since i am an athlete and i have to have power and cardio.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by millionairemurph View Post
    I have ran it at 500mcg 2x a day, but have found 250mcg 2x a day works just as well.
    im having trouble dosing i dont understand mcgs on a slin pin, if i wanna do 500mcgs on a 1/2cc slin pin and my mixture is 5mg/2ml how far do i fill up the slin pin

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