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Thread: Getting HGH....

  1. #1

    Getting HGH....

    Hey everyone!

    Im going to be going on my first HGH cycle soon. Just gotta get it from my boy... and I really wanna do it right. I have been reading threads about what people are taking... but it seems everyone is different. Im about 5' a good amount of body fat but been working out every day. I just want to loose this body fat..and gain some lean muscle.. was going to run some test after I get ridda all the fat and maybe another compound.. not sure yet. I have watched the secret of the pro's and try my damnedest to eat 300 g's of protein a day with as little carbs possible. Can anyone tell me how many iu's would be good to start off with and when to increase the hgh? I have no problem affording this stuff... I just want to make sure I do it right! Any help is very appreciated! Thanks!

  2. #2
    How old are you?

    How long have you been training?

    How long have you been dieting to loose the BF?

    Have you got your diet spot on? If you're not sure then post it in the diet section and someone will help you out....

    What is your bf%? If you dont know then post a pic.

    Whats your cycle history (aas)?

    jing jai

  3. #3
    Gear's Avatar
    Gear is offline HGH/IGF/Insulin Forum ~ AR-Hall of Famer
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    The answers to your questions are right in front of you, it's just a matter of using the search function.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Gear View Post
    The answers to your questions are right in front of you, it's just a matter of using the search function.

    To ez ha

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    btw you both have sick work on your arms. crazy

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    dont buy any thanktropin it is either fake or extremely low dose

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    How old are you? 27

    How long have you been training?

    I have been an athlete my whole life.. since I was 5 been in baseball, football, hockey, wrestling, martial arts. Currently I can do more in the gym than most people I know.... even after having a broken back at age 21... spent 5 years hardly able to walk and in bed. Had a back surgery dec 2008 with a artificial disk. I have been in the gym since last July of 09... been doing cardio and light lifting with lots of reps. Since July have missed about 2-3 months at the gym due to a Street Bike Accident... but going strong now.... usually do Cardio a minimum of 5 times a week for about 30 mins on the eliptical sometimes 45... I dont run because of the impact... even though my backs fine and I have less pain than most people who don't have back problems.

    How long have you been dieting to loose the BF? I have been dieting for about 6-9 months... at first I did'nt diet much just got back into the workout... now I have watched the secret of the pro's everyone here recomended and have been eating 6 meals a day... with about a 1/2 lb of a different source of meat for each meal.. always have vege's with each meal and before a workout I will eat something like a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwhich with Wheat Bread for my carb for the day. Post workout I pound a shake... "True Mass". I keep carbs to a minimum and never eat a carb unless Im going to workout...for energy.

    Have you got your diet spot on? If you're not sure then post it in the diet section and someone will help you out....

    What is your bf%? If you dont know then post a pic.
    I think Im in the 25% bf 5'11 and 215 lbs easy. I lost all the muscle I had from being an athlete my whole life from all the disgusting Methadone they had me on for all those years... while eating sugars and drinking sodas when I was laid up as well.. my muscle went by by. Spent this last year trying to re-build it but so far Its happening REALLY SLOW.

    Whats your cycle history (aas)? Never did AAS... I actually have dbol and winstrol which a friend had reccomended I take but Im not taking it as Im not ready for AAS. I want to get skinny I guess you can say and some lean muscle built before I do a cycle of AAS. I figure if I can stay on HGH for the next year which will be high $... but if HGH works how I think its going to work then sometime over the next year when my body is right... I was thinking of doing dbol and test with the HGH. Some reason I dont know why my body is not loosing the fat... diets dialed in but my bodys not releasing the fat. Milos Sarcev's videos rock.. I just want to see some fat loss quick... so I can run some dbol and bulk up with the HGH. Sick of feeling fat!
    Im hearing HCG is some good stuff to get rid of lots of fat with and in a quick way.... is this stuff worth trying first? Im thinking I need some kind of supplement for my fat loss... and I have a friend who is taking the HCG and lost 20 lbs in 20 days. I just want to get rid of this fat asap... summers coming... and its the first summer im fully recovered... but never been so fat.. so I need to do something asap... work real hard at the gym.. but my body must love its fat! What to do?!

  8. #8
    With a BF% in the region of 25% the answer for you is to keep dieting and training, get yourself down by at least another 10% then think about adding compounds to aid your fat loss. Your not ready for HGH yet you have to much to do naturally first IMHO.

    jing jai

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtralarg View Post
    With a BF% in the region of 25% the answer for you is to keep dieting and training, get yourself down by at least another 10% then think about adding compounds to aid your fat loss. Your not ready for HGH yet you have to much to do naturally first IMHO.
    Agreed XL, good advice

  10. #10
    Thanks.. I appreciate the advice. I will keep dieting and working out... just not seeing results and I don't understand why! Thinking about the HCG diet.

  11. #11
    Gear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanaDan420 View Post
    Thanks.. I appreciate the advice. I will keep dieting and working out... just not seeing results and I don't understand why! Thinking about the HCG diet.
    The gaining process is always lengthy, perhaps you need to have more patience. Or maybe your diet and/or training is not quiet right, you need to research everything you're doing and ensure you're doing it correctly. You can find all the info you need in these forums.

    Good luck!


  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanaDan420 View Post
    Im hearing HCG is some good stuff to get rid of lots of fat with and in a quick way.... is this stuff worth trying first? Im thinking I need some kind of supplement for my fat loss... and I have a friend who is taking the HCG and lost 20 lbs in 20 days. I just want to get rid of this fat asap... summers coming... and its the first summer im fully recovered... but never been so fat.. so I need to do something asap... work real hard at the gym.. but my body must love its fat! What to do?!
    the HCG diet is ****en retarded. They make HUGE money selling overpriced hcg as part of the diet...and of course the people lose a TON of weight. But what they don't tell you in the advertisements is that the HCG diet is accompanied by a 500kcal per day diet....

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