I've been using HGH for some weeks. I started with 1 i.u. a day, regulated up to 3 i.u. a day, and I'm currently using 2 i.u. a day. I'm having some trouble, which I think is because of low estrogen level caused by use of anastrozole (which I'm no longer using), but I'm not sure if that's all.

My joints ache and cracks a bit. I know HGH can cause som aching, but never heard about cracking. Anyone knows? It's usually related to low estrogen level, as far as I know. Today I've had a funny feeling in the chest area when walking, don't know how to describe it. It's like eating loaf which almost causes hickup. My heart rythm have been racing slightly, and a there is a couple of times today I've had to sit down because it feels like I'm about to faint. I know HGH can give you diabetes. I just checked my blood sugar, and it's fine. This began after my body adjusted to a ketogenic diet, which diabetics never should use. Any thoughs?