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Weight: 88kg
Body Fat 15%
Height: 177
train 4/5 times weekly - lifting and a little cardio (5yrs weight lifting experience)
Recently finished a mild Var cycle for a bit of cutting. Am now in week 6 of Somatropin 1 yr stint. First time on GH so wanted to share my experience. Hoping for improved skin tone, increase in muscle mass and reduction in body fat - target 9%....Plan is to start on 2 IU and work up to 8IU. Plan on introducing an AS cycle into week 13 of this GH cycle to really get the cycle going.
At present taking GH, nolv [3 weeks followoing var cycle] & 300g protein / day. Diet is clean with one bad day / week.
week 1
2 IU EOD - disrupted sleep pattern was the only noticeable effect. Also notice an increase in appetite but not sure if that was just a result of training a little harder.
week 2
2 IU EOD - sleeping heavily and very lucid dreams. feeling a little more strength in training but maybe psychosematic.. had one day where I was very very sleepy during the day.
week 3
bumped up to 4IU in the mornings - none of the reported sides experienced yet of joint pain or tinglings... although experienced extreme fatigue during the day at points - could fall asleep at my desk. Still taking as soon as wake up. Body fat taken and am down to 13%. happy with that.
week 4
4IU - feeling stronger in training. not like when on VAR and dont have the 'aggression' i have but still lifting decent weights and getting max rep range completed. Looking forward to introducing my AS cycle as feel this could be impressive. One thing to note is sleeping very very well. Dreams are very clear and vivid. i think the good sleep more than anything is improving my skin - i.e. no bags under the eyes. Have not experienced the skin 'tightening' others experience but early days yet.
week 5
6 IU - decided to bump up the dose to see how i tolerate the sides. Definite difference - hands feel very 'tight' when i clench them and have had the odd tingling in the hands feeling - nothing uncomfortable though. Strength was excellent in the gym this week and pumps are very good. Sleeping well and think at times this week am feeling that 'sense of well being' reported. Generally a good week.
week 6
6IU - all taken as soon as I wake up. Continued tightening when i clench my fists - minor swelling in hands- not noticeable though. Marked improvement on strength and waist a little smaller. Someone in my local gym commented at how impressive my strength was increasing. BF at 12% - very happy there. Face looks a little slimmer.
So far so good. This seems a very subtle drug and and i'm not expecting any overnight turnaround although happy with the bf result. Seems opinions are divided on these boards as to whether the well being effects really materialise or not. Seems they are much more evident on those whose age is 40+. By the by - any well being / skin improvement will be a plus for me. My body composition has changed slightly for the better - am hoping by week 12 it will be much better and when i kick in the as cycle - will get dramatic results.